Invisalign: What You Need To Know

Garfield Gagnon
3 min readOct 18, 2018


Invisalign can safely be declared as one of the greatest achievements in dentistry in last 30 years. Still, it doesn’t mean that this orthodontic treatment is without any pitfalls. Now, you may have a lot of questions in your mind if you are planning to get your teeth straightened through Invisalign. You can ask your dentist in this regard or you can also search on the web. This article focuses on providing you the information you need about Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a method for straightening the misalign teeth. However, it is different from braces in a way that it remains invisible when you apply them on your teeth. Now, you may think if it is completely invisible. Well, it’s not. Nevertheless, it can be regarded as a major advancement from the perspective of aesthetics when we compare it with braces.

How does it work?

The major requirement for the preparation of Invisalign trays is your dental impression. The impressions of your both of the jaws is taken and then sent to lab. Moreover, a digital scan of the internal portion of your oral cavity along with the dental impressions is analyzed by the people preparing the Invisalign trays. Based on the 3D picture of your mouth and impressions, the computer software designed specifically for Invisalign uses its algorithm to forecast the treatment duration. This algorithm is known as ClinCheck.

In some cases, the teeth may be needed to rotate, pulled down or pushed up. The Invisalign treatment in such cases mainly involves addition of tooth-colored composite resin in the trays. Such trays are usually visible to naked eye. The Invisalign treatment, in such cases, can cause irritation to tongue and cheeks. But this irritation is not something based on which the treatment may be declined.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign comes with its own set of benefits which surely make this treatment revolutionary. Some of those benefits are worth mentioning here.

  • The first and most desirable benefit of Invisalign is that it provides aesthetic benefits. It will not affect the looks in the way braces do.
  • With Invisalign, you can get your issue treated in an efficient manner.
  • Since there are no wires and brackets, the Invisalign treatment is going to be comfortable.
  • With Invisalign, there will be no risk to the roots of your teeth.
  • You will not have to visit to the dentist frequently as there will be no wires to be adjusted.
  • One of the best things about Invisalign is that they do not resist oral hygiene. When you need to brush and floss your teeth, you will simply have to take the trays off and clean your teeth.

Pitfalls of Invisalign

Although there are benefits, there are some pitfalls of Invisalign as well. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • With the use of Invisalign, you may find yourself lisping with a few words because of an additional layer on the teeth. You will be able to overcome this condition in 3–4 days after getting Invisalign.
  • Invisalign can be irritating to lips, gums and tongue.
  • Cost of Invisalign is another factor that can make it undesirable for some people. Typically, this solution is costly even though it is not capable of treating complicated issues which the braces can solve.

Before you decide about getting Invisalign, you need to make sure that you are the right candidate for this treatment. For this purpose, you will need to consult your dentist.

