Mastering Angular: Dynamically Updating Object Properties in Services

Andy Dłubak
4 min readDec 1, 2023

Imagine you’re an Angular developer, and you’ve encountered a common yet tricky scenario: you need to update just one property of an object, but your current setup updates the entire object. This article will guide you through solving this problem in an Angular application using BehaviorSubject and service encapsulation.


  • Initial Problem: Updating individual object properties without resetting the entire object.
  • General Approach: Breaking down the object and updating through methods.
  • Angular Specific Solution: Utilizing BehaviorSubject and services.
  • Practical Examples: Step-by-step code examples and explanations.
  • Conclusion: Summarizing the solutions and offering personal insights.

Initial Case: The Problem

Scenario: You have an object in an Angular component, and you’ve set up a setter for it. The challenge arises when you need to update just one property of this object. Traditional setters don't cater to this need as they are designed to handle the entire object.

Code Example:

class MyComponent {
private _myObject: any;

set myObject(value: any) {…



Andy Dłubak

I design, develop, and test web & mobile apps. Currently, I’m a CTO at Cleria A.S. working with Angular, Django, and most of all people.