
Garima Chauhan
3 min readJun 15, 2020


There is a stigma in the world when it comes to mental illness. Depression, according to few people, is not even an illness. You don’t have any symptoms to show for it.

"It's all in your head."

A person maybe smiling, doing all the days work properly and still be depressed. You don't have to be crying all day or night to show that you are depressed, that you are not well.

Yes, it's all in the head but your head houses your brain which runs your body. When brain is not OK then other body parts are also not OK.

People start to feel physical pains and the worst things is they don't have a reason for it. Then comes withdrawal, they try to avoid people, try to avoid the never ending questions as to what is wrong with them, and thus fall deeper and deeper into this mental hell hole. You may never see them cry or be sad because they have this facade of being happy, but they do cry when alone, they are always sad.

You may think this person was cheerful once but now has gone silent almost suddenly with no reason whatsoever. But there is always an underlying reason for this depression. A personal loss, work pressure,a difficult relationship, societal pressure to name a few.

Anyone can go into depression. It’s a false notion that a strong-headed person will never be depressed or a person who has all the things in the world will never be depressed.

Brain is a very complex and actually a very funny organ. Complex as scientists have not been fully able to understand it and funny because whatever it does can go beyond your normal reasoning at times. So, anyone can fall into depression and they just need a little bit of support. Support from their family, friends and people around them.

If you know a person who was once very lively and cheerful and has suddenly gone all quiet, don't bugger him or her with lot of questions. Don't try to be over friendly, give them space but don't go too far that they cannot reach you. Try to talk to them about normal boring usual stuff, let them open up themselves because if they are not ready to talk , not ready to let you in, you will never be able to help them and most importantly they will never be able to help themselves.

There have been a rise in depression cases ever since this Covid 19 situation has brought about lock-down. People don't have an escape, they are there with the same set of people 24×7, taking on extra responsibilities in the house and all this is increasing the mental pressure. Even the sanest of people are going crazy, think what would be the situation of people who are already fighting this unseen mental illness.

Today, we lost a celebrity to depression, again the topic will come out and we will send/receive WhatsApp messages, news channels will do debate, psychologist will tell us what is good for mental health and what is not. But the most important thing to remember for those who are living this nightmare is to speak out and talk. Let the world know you are in pain and need support. And for those who are well, to keep an eye open for people around you who need your help and support.

Call out an old friend you haven’t spoken in a long time, spend some time with your spouse, let your kids know you are always there for them, spend some time, even if it’s virtual, with your old parents, have fun with your cousins, but don’t sit alone. No binge watching, no Netflix and chill. We might be separated by physical distance but we are closer than ever before. Make use of technology, go for a video call instead of your regular phone call. Talk, laugh, cry, let your emotions out, for only these things will help you and your loved ones overcome all the illness, physical or mental, in the world.

