Beam Pumping with Sucker Rod: Simplifying Oil & Gas Operations

Garima Gayatri
4 min readApr 16, 2019


Beam pumping, also referred to as sucker rod pumping provides mechanical energy to lift oil from bottom-hole to surface. This pumping method is highly efficient, simple, and easy for the oil and gas people to operate on the field. Sucker rod pumping can be employed to pump a well at very low bottom-hole pressure to maximize the rate of oil production.

Artificial Lift: Role and Relevance in the Oil & Gas Industry

Artificial lift is a method employed on oil wells for increasing pressure within the reservoir and encouraging oil to reach the surface. This method finds application to recover more production when the natural energy drive of the reservoir is not strong enough to push the oil to the surface.

96% of the oil wells in the US require artificial lift from the very beginning.

Some wells, without stimulation, contain enough pressure for oil to rise to the surface. Most wells require an artificial lift because they do not contain enough pressure.

Adding to this complexity, even those wells that initially posses natural flow to the surface, that pressure reduces over time, and the need for artificial lift arises. Consequently, artificial lift is mostly performed on all wells at some time during their entire production life cycle.

Although there are several methods to achieve artificial lift, the two main categories of artificial lift include pumping systems and gas lifts.

Importance of Sucker Rod Pump in Artificial Lift

Sucker rod pumping or beam pumping is the most widely used artificial lift pump system in the oil and gas industry. This method engages equipment on and below the surface to increase pressure and push oil to the surface. Sucker rod or beam pumps are the familiar jack pumps seen on onshore oil wells, consisting of a sucker rod string and a sucker rod pump.

The beam pumping system rocks back and forth, above the surface. This system is connected to a string of rods called the sucker rod, which plunges down into the wellbore. The sucker rod is connected to the sucker rod pump, which is installed as a part of the tubing string near the bottom of the well. As the beam pumping system rocks back and forth, this operates the rod string, sucker rod and sucker rod pump, which works similarly to pistons inside a cylinder. The sucker rod pump lifts the oil from the reservoir through the well to the surface.

The pumping units are powered by a prime mover, electronically or via gas engine, usually pumping about 20 times a minute. A speed reducer is employed to ensure the sucker rod pump unit moves steadily and properly.

Modern Designs for reducing Sucker Rod Pumping Costs

There are a few factors that have the potential to bring down operational costs and enhance the sucker rod pumping operations. To mention a few of these methods, they are: pumping mode selection, optimum counterbalance determination, and rod string design.

The system designs must aim at technically and economically optimum conditions to maximize profits from sucker-rod pumped wells. If we look at the basic considerations for enhanced system efficiency, it is extremely important to assess surface and downhole energy.

The best sucker rod pumping mode has the potential to maximize lifting efficiency greatly and also, reduce the prime-mover power requirements and electrical costs.

Further, to achieve an ideal sucker-rod pumping system, a tapered rod string must have a proper mechanical design.

Market Outlook for Sucker Rod Pumps

Various reports by industry experts and research institutions have pointed out that the U.S. rod lift market, being the biggest market globally, is witnessing high growth in unconventional oil production such as shale oil, tight oil, and growing marginal well count, which support future demand for sucker rod systems and its components. The growth in rod lift installed base provides sustainability to sucker rod industry and with the biggest installed base, U.S. rod lift sucker rod market is expected to reflect an accelerated growth rate.

Leading Sucker Rod Pump Manufacturers and Suppliers

Energy Dais, the largest oil and gas directory, has listed some of the leading sucker rod pump manufacturers and suppliers across the global oil and gas industry. The directory listing by Energy Dais is comprehensive and buyers across the industry can choose verified and most qualified sucker rod pump manufacturers and suppliers.

Digital Empowerment for Digital Oil & Gas

The oil and gas industry dynamics are changing. This sector is experiencing a major breakthrough by coming out from its conventional framework. Digital revolution is being embraced by the world of energy.

Energy Dais identified the existing challenges and designed a dedicated digital platform for the oil and gas industry. With experience and expertise in the industry and an inside-out knowledge, this online collaborative platform aims to solve critical problems faced by the buyers, manufacturers, and suppliers in the oil and gas value chain.

Recognizing the need for collaboration in oil and gas, Energy Dais aims to increase efficiency and reduce cost in every aspect of oil and gas business. Consequently, sucker rod pump manufacturers and suppliers can greatly enhance their business prospects by connecting with this digital platform.

Till the time the world needs oil, exploration and production activities will continue to drive the energy landscape. Sucker Rod, an integral part of the oil and gas industry would take the industry ahead with more efficient and enhanced production activities.



Garima Gayatri

A writer inspired by stories of smithereens. I write to make some sense of the nothingness, we all call life.