2 min readApr 12, 2016


Meghan — let me help. Australia is expensive once you get there. Even if you get a great deal on tickets it’s the kind of place where you want to have a budget for. Because how often will you make it to that side of the world? And how much of a bummer would it be to fly all the way there and miss the great barrier reef, Sydney Zoo, or Byron Bay (my favorite spot in Australia) because you can’t afford it?

I totally feel your pain about being bitter over a trip you feel like you’re missing. Here is my story. Next week is my 5 year wedding anniversary. We got married at the court house and went on a week long camping trip. I had a bunch of medical bills at the time and was just starting a new job so I didn’t feel good about going on a big vacation. Usually when I/we go on vacation it’s the budget route. Inconvenient flights, cheap hotel rooms, eating street food, busses instead of cabs or renting a car, you get the idea. I generally love it but have always wanted to do a trip where we went somewhere crazy, stayed in the fancy hotel, had nice meals, ect. So the goal always was our 5 year anniversary.

Well, this year my husband’s cousin/best friend is getting married. He’s been with his girlfriend for just about as long as I’ve been with my husband. They’ve been living together for at least 5 years. So they literally could have gotten married any other time than this year without getting in the way of something I’ve been looking forward to for half of a decade.

He (and his immediate family)lives in town, which is a huge destination for weddings but he’s getting married in a different state. No cheap flights. Middle of summer in a tourist trap. Also wants a Vegas bachelor party. Also we have to get there early for crap like golfing for the groomsmen. It’s probably going to cost $3000. (Add in tux rental, food in a hotel for a couple of days, hotel rooms, money spent at the bachelor party) Which of course means, I don’t feel comfortable going on a big fancy get away when all of this money is being spent elsewhere. It’s too much to spend on travel when my older dog needs some dental work, my car has some issues, we need some electrical work, blah blah blah everything, right?

I know that we can (and will) just take the trip next year, but …I’m annoyed. Also yes, this is the height of first world problems.

