3 min readFeb 21, 2017


My weekend started off with the worst timing in the world. I was coming home from my first trip with my new company and due to shitty timing my plane travel was all scheduled during the worst storm (highest rainfall total at least) to hit Santa Barbara since 1925. In most places that wouldn’t matter but when your city isn’t set up for drainage it complicates things. The plan was to get from Toronto to LAX at about 9 pm, jump on the last flight to Santa Barbara at 11 and be home by midnight. (It’s a 45 minute flight and I live 10 miles from the airport)

Oh I was so naive. I started out exhausted. My new coworkers are insane and basically stay out until last call every night which is super fun, but I am 100% the person who’s like “oh you’re having another? I will too!” so a week straight of that plan is maybe tiring? We were at work by 7, so serious lack of sleep to start off with. Anyway of course they kept getting on the PA and moving back our departure in 15/20 minute increments. It got to the point where I was clearly going to miss my flight home, but by that point every flight the next day was already full until about 6 pm. While i was boarding I got a text message that all flights to Santa Barbara were canceled due to runway flooding. Wheeee. Obviously by the time we landed in LA (midnightish?) there was no good way to get home. The airbus was fully booked, Amtrak was dealing with a mud/rock slide on the tracks. Clearly I had to rent a car. One way last minute rental? about 160 bucks. Yay, cooperate card. By the time I convinced the luggage guys to reroute my bag to me, instead of flights that may never be leaving and got over to budget rental car it was around 2 am and there was a damp angry line out the door. I was trying super hard to be zen, but this nightmare lady behind me whined to her husband the entire time about how understaffed the place was. It took all of what was left of my self control to not murder her on the spot. I still wish her ill. Anyway I ended up with a horrible huge suv with tiny windows and a trunk too small to hold my bag — got on the road at 315 am, got home at 5 in a semi delirious state.

Saturday I’m positive that I spent money on something but the entire day felt like I was dying and not totally awake so who even knows? I know I returned the car with a mostly empty tank and the lady behind the counter was like “no really go get some gas so we don’t over charge you” and I was like “no really I hate that car and the people who designed it and whoever bought it, I don’t care what you charge” (I wish there was some kind of visual indicator we all had that would show people when you’re not interested in reason)

Sunday! Field hockey season started! We played like shit, and lost our game but for the last 2 seasons we’ve lost our first game and won the league championship so…maybe that pattern will repeat? The two before that we lost our first game and came in second, also not too shabby.

Monday — not a day off except that there was no client interaction since our current project is based in Canada and it was family day.

I think about 100 of my own money but it’s blurry and unclear.

