Garrett J. White
2 min readJun 10, 2019

…and you’re stuck because you won’t let go.

Skateboarding and Surfing have changed my life.

They have forced me to let go.

They have experientially guided me to the truth of flow.

But FLOW isn’t just something I experience on a skate board (my carver) or a surfboard but is found in everything.

Think about it.

SEX the first time?

Not exactly ART.

But how did you get better at sex?

By having sex and finding your flow.

Skateboarding, Sex, Marriage, Parenting, Business, Marketing, Selling…

…They’re all activities that have a science and flow to them.

The only way you will ever get to flow in life in anything?

A daily consistent effort over long periods of time.

There is no magic science to FLOW.

You’ll always find it if you just let go and GO.

But this is the problem must of us suffer from.

We’ve not mastered the art of letting go.

We cling so tightly to the…



Garrett J. White

FOUNDER of Wake Up Warrior; AUTHOR of Warrior Book & Be The Man; HOST: Warrior On Fire Daily Pod Cast; CO-HOST; Date Your Wife Pod Cast.