Garrett Loebe
3 min readMay 31, 2016
Enola Gay

People may forget why America did what they did, and it wasn’t justified to the extent that they took it. The bombing of Hiroshima was cruel and a very tragic. When the bomb was dropped it changed the course of history forever. After Little Boy detonated it shook the entire earth, not just physically but it changed the whole mindset of warfare. The detonation changed the thought process of everything, put fear into peoples eyes, the world found out that we can kill mass amounts of people in a matter of milliseconds.


For the propaganda section of the project I created this poster to try and show the situation in America. There was a lot of propaganda promoting the use of the Nuke before and after it had been dropped. There were very nasty posters that depicted Uncle Sam rolling his sleeves up saying, “Jap… You’re up next! We’ll finish the job!” Derogatory things were said that should’ve never been said, they were posted up on street posts for anyone to see. The views were very discriminatory, and they made the Japanese living in America become viewed as lesser human beings.

Movie I created to show the use of propaganda.

I created the slide show at the beginnig of the movie, but I pulled the video off of youtube. The subject matter was unbelievable to me. The U.S. created lots of inappropriate matter, but the propaganda in the movie was sick. They used it to dehumanize the Japanese and make it look like they were the devil. They were advertising the fact that the Japanese were the cruel to kids through T.V. shows. The gavernment wanted kids to grow up with the thought that the Japaneese were crule and the worst race in the world. There was a quote in the movie that said “It’s Japanese customs to only shoot someone in the back.” That is pitiful. They also portrayed the Japanese as these really primitive people. In my opinion what the U.S. did during the war to promote their cause was vile.

Everyday Hero

For my everyday hero, I am highlighting President Barack Obama. Very recently, President Obama went to Hiroshima to pay the respects for America. President Obama was the first President to visit Japan since the bomb drop.

President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for anti-nuclear agenda, so his visit to Japan is much over due. Obama commented on nuclear weapons saying “”We must have the courage to escape the logic of fear and pursue a world without them,”. This shows that Obama is willing to move on in a world full of nuclear weapons.

Although President Obama’s visit to Japan wasn’t considered an official apology, many criticts believe that it was a symolic gesture towanrd the mending of te two countries.

Historical Analysis

Social Injustice

Project Proposal

Service Learning

Literary Assignment