Don’t wait for the new year

Gurpreet Singh
2 min readDec 27, 2021


As the year 2021 ending, people write about New Year resolutions or previous year accomplishments but one of the big mistakes some people do, when they compare their year with others, I’m myself guilty of that mistake.

If you haven’t done much this year and you feel depressed about having accomplished less, then it’s still okay and I’m not saying it just to make you feel better, I at first was stressed about the whole year, I haven’t done much as much I wanted but when I saw people losing their minds over temporary things, it made me realized how much shallow today life has become.

When the year ends and the New Year begins, it’s good to reflect on things you have done or wanted to do, but in doing so always be grateful for the times you had fun or learned, accomplished something because those are moments that count, besides life is too short for living in past or future, covid-19 reminded me of that.

This year I learned a great lesson is to be in the moment, every year is going to be different but being grateful and happy should be every year’s resolution we all must have, if you are living with your loved ones then it’s an accomplishment itself, invest in your relationships, focus on your mental health, there’s no right time to do things you want to do, it can be today, tomorrow, next week or month.

Setting yourself a resolution is a good way to clear your mind and focus on what you want to become but a resolution doesn’t have to be set on only the New Year, it can be anytime you want because new year’s resolutions always start with good intentions, but they mostly don’t end with lasting change. New Year’s resolutions are great if it gets people to improve themselves, otherwise, it’s a short-term action that doesn’t change much in your life, you don’t need resolutions if you are the person that doesn’t wait around for a date or time to take action.

In the end, stop overthinking about this year or next year, instead, focus on the habits you want to have or change, it’s not easy but it is achievable, don’t wait for the new year to start because it only leads you to be in procrastination, just start when you feel you can.

Have a great day!



Gurpreet Singh

A writer. Graphic designer with basic skills. Always learning.