Why GTD?

Garry Eves
2 min readSep 19, 2017


Everyone wants our time. We have todo lists, but they seem to be continually growing, rather than shrinking.

This is where my journey began, way in the deep past. I seemed to be always reacting to things as they came up, I never seemed to be able to get ahead of things and start to plan where I wanted to go. I seemed to be continually making silly mistakes that I would normally not make. Quiet weeks I was working over 100 hours per week. Family time did not exist, my energy levels were drained, and sleep — I was lucky to get 2 hours of undisturbed sleep. This was not the life I signed up for.

Then I searched for “Getting Things Done”, hoping that it would help me make better use of my time. This resulted in a lot of links to a book by David Allen, called “Getting Things Done”, GTD. It was just what I needed. Over the next few months I started to use a lot of what he described. I was able to reduce the number of hours I was working, but still get the same amount of work done. My attention felt better, I was no longer making so many silly mistakes, I wasn’t snapping at people. My life was coming back in control.

In the years since I have continued to refine my new knowledge, reading far and wide in the productivity area. I have changed many things from this core GTD, including things like Stephen Coveys Eight Habits, and Edwards De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, and too many other sources to name.

My life now feels more in control than ever. I am focused, continually learning and expanding my knowledge and skills. I now want to share this with others, bring my years of practical experience and quickly allow them to get control of their own lives.

For more information about how I can help you please contact me at garry@nextactions.com.au

For more information about David Allen “Getting Things Done”

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Originally published at Next Actions.



Garry Eves

Founder of Next Actions. Helping with your productivity.