Android Studio 1.4

Android Studio 1.4 Error: AidlTokenType.import or AidlTokenType.package expected, got “@”

Garry Priambudi
1 min readOct 21, 2015

Hello there,

I was busy studying Android Studio to use the Material Design. On the way I encountered some error, but I can find because there are no errors due to the lack of writing lines of code.

When I followed the tutorial from androidhive, had appeared unexpected error. I try browsing by writing a command error in the search engine.

I find the right solution, namely by un-inject Language / Reference from suggestion. After that I was confused how to do it, finally I found out that using the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + A (on Windows) then typing “Un-inject Language / Reference”.

So problems resolved.

Thank you… :)

Tutorial from :

Source of solution : and



Garry Priambudi

CTO as a services, Product Manager with Fullstack Background, Geeks. Father and Husband with love.