Sustainability vs Cost -> THE Capitalist Quandary of our time (worryingly!)

Garry Turner
3 min readFeb 28, 2023


Okay, so we all know, if we are honest, that sustainability ‘actually’ means maintaining the status quo in the West, but let’s leave that at the side just for a moment.

I met the purchasing manager at a global multi billion dollar manufacturer this morning that uses one of my chemical raw materials whom advised:

“XXX has set up a dedicated sustainability team whose sole job is to drive towards this target (-50% emission reduction by 2035).

XXX sees this as a genuine action, yet this is an action that their CEO of 6 years ago was already committed to before he got ousted (removed) by activist investors for not making enough return on sales!

Their return on sales is at lower levels TODAY (Feb 2023) than it was at 6 years ago, and now they are investing in a dedicated sustainability team. A key question within XXX is “how do we live up to the promises we made externally?.”

The previous CEO of Danone was also ousted for being too forward-thinking around their sustainability agenda a few years back.

Taking that out of the equation, for a moment, the obvious hegemonic silliness of debating whether cost or sustainability is or should be the most important, note that the very system that funds M&A, growth, etc is the SAME system that ousts progressive CEOs for being proactive around sustainability.

Let this sit in your being for a moment.

It is also the same financial system that funds sustainability initiatives like EcoVadis (2 x private equity backers) to ‘badge’ sustainability ratings at all manner of manufacturing and distribution companies.

Can you see a problem above?

If not, what may you be missing?

What am I missing?

For me is crystal clear that a system grounded in unhealthy, growth at all costs regardless of the mode or impact of growth, and with little to no true externalised costings, is a problem.

This was further exacerbated when I heard a CEO recently state that sustainability was both a ‘licence to trade’ and a source of ‘competitive advantage,’ nowhere was there even a jokingly cursory nod to the SDGs or any other authentic desire to reduce harm or environmental impact.

I guess at least they are being honest?!

Honestly I am at a bit of a loss as I press publish on this blog.

PS — I know I have been more challenging and dour than happy/positive in my recent writing, yet that is the energy of oppressive systems taking their toll I guess and I barely have to deal with any of of that weight in reality.

How must it feel being marginalised and/or attacked AND dealing with the above?

Shall we connect?

My name is Garry Turner and I guide the expansion of possibilities at the intersections of International Sales, People & Culture, Equity & Inclusion and Sustainability:




Garry Turner

An adept Space Holder working at the intersection of International Sales, People & Culture, Equity & Inclusion & Sustainability within Chemicals/Supply Chain