When is enough, enough? (a poem)

Garry Turner
4 min readAug 26, 2022


This poem has also been recorded as a video at the bottom of this post to aid accessibility

I originally wrote this poem in flow state on 3rd Nov 2021 for my previous HEXO Change website, and on reading and feeling it twice again today, I felt moved to share it here. So much, indeed all of it still comes from the heart, my heart.

Interesting for me to note is that with things so-called ‘opening up’ around work travel etc, I am om the move with regards my day job in chemicals, but I am using the train more, reducing my net total volume of travel significantly and I am in way deeper discussions as ‘business as usual’ around this point in time in our evolution.

In fact, another blog to follow on this as it is important, but I spent 90 mins of a 120 mins meeting yesterday discussing inequity, capitalist collapse, fairness, impact on the Global South of our outdated Western ways and we even entered an intuitive collective reimagining session between us as the supplier and with our customer. To offer extra context, I lead over Euro 20m of sales and on culture and people topics at a Euro 3.5 bn + turnover chemicals distributor and the customer was a > Euro 4bn turnover paints and coatings manufacturer. Not insignificant acupuncture points within the global extractive systems and supply chains.

This would NEVER have been a) started by me and b) been entertained by the customer before, thus this gives me a tiny kernel of hope that with more open, searching questions and a genuine curiosity and connectedness in thinking on all sides and in all circles, we can start to identify those that are ready to co-create anew as the current paradigm dies.

So here goes, my previous poem, when is enough, enough?

Despite the planetary crisis

That we all clearly face

It seems still somewhat myopic

That growth is the measure in first place

There is talk of jobs


Economic recovery and

Net Zero

But who actually, who really

Will be the hero?

That helps us sense

Helps us see

Helps reimagine

Helps us be

In connection with nature

And one another again

In such a way

That it is not all about white men

There is no shame intended

No division whatsoever

But the paradigm to which we move

Requires re-imagining together

And to centre the voices

And the communities often unknown

Those peoples that hold the wisdom

Yet continue to be overthrown

By Western ideals and ideas

Of a consumerist life

Yet it is increasingly plain to see

That we are ALL suffering strife

Through our fear

Our disconnection

To self, others and systems

Yet now is the time to be brave

And become part of the resistance

When is enough, enough

Is a question we can all ask

Of ourselves

Our families

Our organisations

And our hearts

There are no magic bullets

No quick fixes to our times

Yet we all have an abundance of energy and curiosity

If we can just open our minds

We have been controlled and coerced

To believe we are separate and mean nothing

Yet this could be further from the truth

When we are all a connected part of the everything

My choice impacts you

Your choice impacts me

More importantly our choices most impact

Those that we do not see

This poem is a challenge to me

To my way of life and my being

Yet it is healthy challenge

To re-imagine a life that requires less fleecing

Of our soul

Our energy

Our creativity

And our worth

We are all equally human

And have to live on and from the same turf

When is enough, enough

Is my question for you

What will you let go of

What will you say no to

What will you embrace

That you have maybe always feared

Maybe that your humanity is not directly tied to the amount of gear

That you own

That you use

That you amass

That you value

Maybe now is the time to go on an inner journey

To explore your stories, the thoughts that you have

Get super curious

About if they are your own stories, or that of your dad

When is enough, enough

Is a question I sit in

My dread of getting on a plane

Or the guilt of wearing fear-Eastern knitting

The abundance of our humanity

Our interconnected potential

Is where I wish to focus more

Than on the next material purchase

That may send me mental

I am very much part of the problem

But learning to hold paradox with more play

As I find my way back

To that space far away

That freedom of connection

The abundance of potential

It is now or never

To choose planet Earth, and those that we do not hear and see

Over double-digit growth

And expansion overseas

When is enough, enough

Is my question for you

I welcome your thoughts and feedback

As we together sit in this stew

Shall we connect?

I am an:

  • International business development and authentic relationship building human working within and across a Euro 3bn + corporation
  • International speaker on topics around human-centered design, vulnerability and change is an inside job
  • Support senior leaders and mission driven soloprenuers as a Thinking Partner
  • Facilitator of people-centered workshops and organisational design
  • The co-creator with Jo Hompstead of Human Development Space in-person gatherings which are an emergent and co-creative space for both in-corporate and open groups

Digital Business Card — https://link.v1ce.co.uk/GarryTurner

LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/garryturnerthinkingpartner

Linktree — https://linktr.ee/HexoChangeGarryTurner

Wall with words saying when is enough, enough? The name of this poem



Garry Turner

An adept Space Holder working at the intersection of International Sales, People & Culture, Equity & Inclusion & Sustainability within Chemicals/Supply Chain