Garry Turner
3 min readMay 17, 2019

BEing You

Today was the 4th or 5th time I have joined the evolving #HumansFirst movement on their weekly Friday hangout.

Today’s topic of discussion, expertly facilitated by Kevin Monroe, was around presence.

The topic of presence has been one that I have been fascinated about for the past 8–9 months in particular.

I have been fascinated since joining a 3-day retreat with Piers Thurston to better understand how our human experience (HX) operates, which is in essence grounded in three core principles; mind consciousness and thought.

I have learned so much over that time about a) myself and b) how I am 100% responsible for how my life shapes up.

I have only been able to learn more about this as I have given myself permission to stop and get present.

BEing myself

One of my major reflections today on the #HumansFirst hangout came in the form of realising after the event that I am able to BE the true me, warts and all, so much more easily and therefore with more freedom, than even 12 months ago.


What has stopped me being myself in the past is trying to be somebody that I think others want to be vs BEing who I want to be, whether that be in a friendship context or in a work context. Does this resonate with you?

My personal life is awesome, but the very fact I need to distinguish between personal, work and friends, reminds me that I have not quite reached my desired optimal Life-work quality.

I have however managed to increasingly craft a job role that gets me closer to that.

I spoke about this in some detail on a podcast conversation with Jeff Weigh recently ->


Despite my progress over the past months and years, I had some very low points over the past couple of weeks as I started to think (note this word) that I was trapped at work, lacked energy to push my Listening Organisation concept and even contemplated deleting all social media account and interaction as I felt it was turning sour for me.

I was not putting the energy in to make my choices happen. I was apathetic, procrastinating and lost in my thinking.

Presence and Progress

Fast forward two weeks, through the mirror of my thinking being held up by the awesome Rich Cooper and expertly by Jane Adshead-Grant during the past week, I have seen for myself that I had stopped BEing ok with what I already had (and lacked gratitude for that) with these lovely humans creating the space for me to see this by using their deep presence and listening.

Added to this, I led a self-awareness and assertiveness L&D session with my team at work this week that really unlocked a lot of their thinking around more emotional aspects of their psyche with it being yet another reminder as to the power of presence (and safety) to aid employee voice, inclusion and innovation.

One thought away

I am grateful that today’s #HumansFirst conversation helped join up some reflective dots for me as I go into this weekend and the coming weeks fully charged, present and excited to help unleash my own as well as others innate brilliance.

We are all one thought away, one present thought, from being where you are today and where you want to BE tomorrow.

I hope that this is helpful in some way and wish you all a great weekend all.

I am an:

  • International business development and authentic relationship building expert working within and across a Euro 3bn + corporation
  • International speaker on topics around human-centered design, vulnerability and change is an inside job
  • Support senior leaders and mission driven soloprenuers as a Thinking Partner
  • Facilitator of people-centered workshops and organisational design
  • The co-creator with Jo Hompstead of Human Development Space in-person gatherings which are an emergent and co-creative space for both in-corporate and open groups

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Garry Turner

An adept Space Holder working at the intersection of International Sales, People & Culture, Equity & Inclusion & Sustainability within Chemicals/Supply Chain