Best Iron and Wine Songs

Gary Jouver
2 min readJan 31, 2019


If you couldn’t tell from my profile image, I am a fan of Iron and Wine. Sam Beam is one of my favorite musicians — perhaps of all time. He does more than write catchy songs. He is a story-teller with a soulful, pained voice that makes me feel something with every song.

There really isn’t a song by Iron and Wine that I don’t like, but there are songs that I like more than others. There are a few of my favorites.

Two Hungry Blackbirds

Credit: YouTube

The first line of this song is “lovers accustomed to tragedy.” That really sets the tone of the entire song. Sam’s vocals are somber and painful, yet the guitar backing him has a practically soothing effect. It makes me think of a relationship that just can’t work, no matter how much they want it to, and letting it go is painful.

Fever Dream

Credit: YouTube

This is another sad song but Sam Beam doesn’t let a repetitive mood make all his songs sound the same. Unlike the last one, this one appears to be about a lost loved one. The narrator sees the loved one in “fever dream” moments, and we can feel the loss in his voice.

Bitter Truth

Credit: YouTube

Where the first song seems to be about a relationship that fell apart and the feelings of sorrow that follow, this one could be the narrator’s future after that moment. The narrator knows that what came to past was bad, and he has accepted the trials/tribulations and knows that he is moving on to better things.



Gary Jouver

From Montville, Connecticut. Fan of music, poetry, food — basically, any creative outlets.