Age Does Not Define Us

Gary Lister
4 min readJul 30, 2020

I’m a lifelong learner. Many say that, but I really am. I live in Georgia, where tuition is waived (on a space-available basis) at age 62 at any state college or university. I’m 62 and I went back to school. This past semester I took Social Media Communications, a graduate course in the Master of Arts programs.

One of our assignments was to create a dating profile to help us understand how to design effective advertising and marketing communication. I was 21 when I met my wife and have never dated another woman. For those of you too young to remember, we did not have dating apps in 1979.

My wife and I are still happily married and enjoying grandchildren. To say that creating a dating app profile put me outside my comfort zone is an understatement. My discomfort was compounded by gentle teasing from my daughters-in-law. They assured me the single most attractive feature of a man “of a certain age” is the size of his wallet. Oh, well.

Part of my grade included if a potential consumer could reasonably be intrigued to swipe right, so I had to give it my best effort. Giving the impression I was available and desiring a relationship while still married felt odd; I’m thankful our assignment didn’t include actually uploading it to a dating site. I’m not sure how swipeable the results are, but my grade was an A, and I have a profile ready if ever needed. Here it is:

Ready for good times? This mellow, athletic, gregarious boomer is too!



Gary Lister

Kind. Gracious. Polite. Young at heart. Southern. Liberal. Eclectic. I love reading, writing, storytelling, politics, education, and the arts.