Gary Fixter Reviews- It Does Handle And Drive Better In All Conditions

Gary Fixter
2 min readMay 6, 2019


Gary Fixter is late had the chance to drive both of these vehicles, for seven days each, as a momentary rental understanding from that outstanding UK vehicle employ organization with US esteems.. That made me think. On the off chance that I was in the market to purchase a shiny new model of both of these, which one would I pick, and why?

First up was the Ford Focus Zetec, retailing from an eye-watering £19,635.00 at a Ford dealer near you. Gary Fixter initial impressions were very favourable — lovely looking car, great drive, and a very comfortable ride. And to be completely fair, those impressions lasted the entire week I drove it. This is a really nice, really comfortable car that’s a great drive — with the added bonus that it is genuinely really, really good on fuel economy.

Moving round the country I swapped to the significantly less pricey Hyundai I30 (starting from a mere £16,995 — nearly £3k less than the Focus) for the second seven day stretch of my movements — a little remorsefully really, as I’d appreciated the Ford Focus Zetec without a doubt.

The regret was short lived. The Hyundai I30 is a significantly better driving experience than the Zetec, and Gary Fixter genuinely did not expect to be saying that after a very enjoyable week in the Focus. Where the I30 outstrips its rival is in the cornering — it’s smoother, faster, better — and in fact overall it does handle and drive better in all conditions. (My elderly father would like me to point out here that the I30’s seats are significantly more comfortable too — I can’t state I truly saw an excessive amount of distinction, however he was inflexible that entire second week that the traveler situate experience was a significant improvement!).

When you run through the manufacturer’s specs for both cars, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of difference between the two models. So I’d say the real differences are the ride, drive and price: and the Hyundai I30 is the clear winner in all of those categories, making this a very one-sided competition in the end.

So for what it’s worth, my very humble opinion is that the Hyundai I30 is one of the better ways to spend the best part of £17k out there. Of course I, like so many of us, now have to wonder where Gary Fixter going to raise that initial seventeen thousand from to be able to afford this great little car….best go and buy myself a lottery ticket I guess!

The autos referenced in this article were Driven by and Written by Gary Fixter



Gary Fixter

First up was the Ford Focus Zetec, retailing from an eye-watering £19,635.00 at a Ford dealer near you. Gary Fixter initial impressions were very favourable.