From Bender to Bench Press: Zac Efron Shows You How to Strength Train Like a Superhero

Gary Foo
6 min readJan 11, 2024


Hi my friends,

A fellow redditor asked a good question:

“Went from very little to no exercise eating poorly/drinking alcohol, to daily 90 minute intense HIT workouts, no alcohol, and pescatarian diet. Is taking any supplements or powders to maximize results a good idea? Don’t know where to start, or if leven need that?

I’m a 28 year old male, 5’11 165lbs and I have a history of a bit of alcohol abuse, but am making a big change going into my 30’s. It’s not like I’ve been completely inactive my entire life, I’m generally a pretty active and athletic guy, I do things in bursts so I’m either on a bender for weeks, or I’m in health mode but right now I’m trying to stay in health mode for as long as possible, and I want to maximize my results. Besides working out 90 minutes every day and changing my diet, is there anything else I should be doing to maximize my results? My main goal is to shed body fat and show some muscles in my abs and the rest of my body. Thanks for any advice!”

And below are my thoughts.

What do you think?


Hey dude, Zac Efron here, your newfound fitness buddy and all-around swole companion! 🏋️‍♂️

First off, massive high-fives for slamming the brakes on the alcohol bender and diving into the sea of sobriety. That’s a legendary move, my friend! Now, let’s talk about turning those muscles into a full-blown Avengers squad. You’ve got the strength training game on point, but guess what? The secret sauce isn’t just in the 90-minute daily sweat fest. It’s in the SUPPLEMENTS! Yeah, I said it in all caps because it’s like the secret handshake to the muscle party!

Picture this: you, me, and a protein shake walking into the sunset. 🌅 PROTEIN is like the superhero costume your muscles wear after battling through those intense workouts. It helps them heal and grow faster than you can say “Wolverine.”

Protein Provides necessary building blocks (amino acids) to repair and grow muscle tissue after exercise, aiding in recovery and helping to enhance muscle growth.

And then there’s CREATINE, the Tony Stark of the supplement world. It’s like rocket fuel for your muscles, giving them the power to lift cars or at least your grandma’s heavy groceries.

Creatine Considered highly effective for strength training, this compound provides energy for muscles, which in turn promotes the ability to train longer and with heavier weights.

But wait, there’s more! Ever heard of BCAAs? It’s like having a mini Thor’s hammer to prevent muscle breakdown. And BETA-ALANINE is like your own personal Captain America shield against fatigue during those high-octane HIIT sessions. If these sound like ingredients for a superhero smoothie, you’re not wrong!

Beta-alanine This amino acid has been shown to improve exercise performance, particularly during high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) Provide essential amino acids that can help reduce muscle breakdown, enhance muscle recovery and promote muscle growth during exercise.

Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) Reduces muscle protein breakdown, promotes muscle growth and aids in recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage.

But seriously, before you dive into the supplement universe, consult with a doc. We want those muscles to grow, not your third eye.

Now, let’s talk strategy, my fitness padawan. You want abs that could rival Greek gods, right? Time to tweak the diet! Keep that CALORIC DEFICIT in check, but don’t go all Thanos on your food. We’re aiming for balance, not universe destruction. And protein, my friend, is the Chewbacca to your Han Solo. Enough of it ensures your muscles rebuild like a Death Star construction project.

Maintain a Caloric Deficit While Eating Enough Protein You need your body to burn more calories than you consume, and also provide your body with enough protein to rebuild its muscle.

Get a Baseline Understand your current fitness level and set achievable goals.

Keep Your Caloric Deficit Small A drastic caloric deficit can lead to muscle loss.

Here’s a quick tip: INTERMITTENT FASTING. It’s like the Han Solo blaster of fat loss. Aim, shoot, and watch those love handles disappear faster than the Millennium Falcon in hyperdrive.

Consider Intermittent Fasting This can help with fat loss.

And while you’re on the fitness spaceship, sprinkle in some STRENGTH TRAINING like fairy dust. Magic, my dude! And when you’re not smashing weights, throw in some light cardio for recovery. It’s like the dance break in an action movie — necessary and damn cool.

Strength Train Frequently This helps in building muscle.

Do HIIT Sparingly High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can be very effective, but it’s also demanding on the body.

Use Cardio for Recovery Light cardio on rest days can aid recovery.

Now, here’s the plot twist: Imagine me, Zac Efron, as your strength training Yoda. You’re the chosen one, and the force of change is strong with you. But remember, this isn’t a sprint; it’s a Marvel movie franchise. Slow and steady wins the race, my friend. Keep the benders at bay, stay consistent, and soon you’ll be flexing those abs like a superhero unveiling their secret identity!

And now, for the grand finale, let me hit you with a biblical bombshell. Ever heard of the tale of David and Solomon? It’s like the OG superhero dynamic duo. David, the slinger of stones, took down giants (not Goliath, we’re switching it up!) with a flick of the wrist. Solomon, the wisest dude in the kingdom, made decisions smoother than my red carpet appearances. It’s a combo of power and wisdom we all need.

So, here’s the kicker: Proverbs 3:5–6.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

It’s like the script to the ultimate blockbuster — faith, trust, and a dash of divine direction.

May you be blessed with the power of David and the wisdom of Solomon.

Faithfully yours,

Strength Training with Gary



Gary Foo

Ahoy there, mateys! Gary, yer anchor in Abundance, here! ⚓️ Ready to chart a course for online riches? My stories be yer treasure map! Set sail to success NOW!