From Kylo Ren to Fit Lord: How Strength Training Conquers the Dark Side (of Your Couch)

Gary Foo
4 min readJan 5, 2024


Hi my friends,

Stefan from Quora asked a good question:

“Does exercise become self-defeating because it has a kickback effect rather than a cumulative effect?”

And below are my thoughts.

What do you think?

Yo Stefan,

Let’s talk about this exercise gig, my man!

Exercise ain’t some backstabbing frenemy, it’s your frickin’ ride-or-die for a healthy life! People who say it’s self-defeating probably had one bad date with a treadmill or something. Look, I get it; we’ve all been there, but that’s like saying pizza is overrated because you had a bad slice once.

Exercise is like a pizza for your body, man — it might take a few tries to find your favorite topping, but once you do, it’s a game-changer!

Now, I know some folks see exercise as a chore, like doing the dishes or attending a Zoom meeting. But, dude, that’s the wrong mindset! It’s not exercise’s fault if you’re dragging your feet to the gym like you’re heading to a tax audit. Flip that script! Approach it like it’s your personal party, not some punishment. Crank up your favorite tunes, find a workout that doesn’t make you hate life, and BOOM — you’ll be sweating with a grin on your face.

Don’t make exercise the villain; make it your sidekick in this crazy adventure called life!

Oh, and don’t even get me started on the past trauma nonsense. I mean, who didn’t hate P.E. in school? It was like a battleground of awkwardness and humiliation. But hey, those days are gone!

Don’t let the ghosts of dodgeball past haunt your fitness future! Your body is not your high school nemesis; it’s a freaking temple, and you’re the caretaker. Embrace the sweat, the burn, and the triumphs! Those gym class scars? They’re just battle scars in the war for your health.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room — the self-defeating mindset. It’s like having a mental gremlin whispering in your ear,

“You can’t do it, bro.”

But guess what? That gremlin’s a liar! Kick that negativity to the curb. Goals aren’t achieved by dwelling on failure; they’re conquered by bouncing back from setbacks and learning from the journey. It’s not about the end destination; it’s about the freakin’ road trip.

And sometimes, the detours make the best stories!

Listen, my man, exercise is your secret weapon, not your Achilles’ heel. Think of it as leveling up in a video game, each workout bringing you closer to unlocking new achievements. You’re not losing; you’re gaining — strength, stamina, mental clarity, all the good stuff. You’re not on a treadmill; you’re on the highway to becoming a healthier, happier you.

And let’s face it, who doesn’t want that?

Now, here’s a little wisdom bomb for you. In the fitness bible (not an actual thing, but roll with me), there’s this story about persistence, resilience, and gaining strength. It’s not about slaying giants, but it’s pretty darn epic.

Picture this: you’re like a shepherd kid named Dave, not the buffest dude on the block. But when life throws challenges your way, channel your inner David and sling those dumb excuses out of the window.

Your journey might not be all sunshine and rainbows, but it sure as heck beats sitting on the couch, munching on regrets.

So, my friend, embrace the sweat, crush the excuses, and dance like no one’s watching at your fitness party!

May you be blessed with the power of David and the wisdom of Solomon.

Faithfully yours,

Strength Training with Gary



Gary Foo

Ahoy there, mateys! Gary, yer anchor in Abundance, here! ⚓️ Ready to chart a course for online riches? My stories be yer treasure map! Set sail to success NOW!