Strength Training: Add Variety and Challenge to Your Routine to Achieve Faster Results

Gary Foo
3 min readNov 4, 2023


Is it true that if you want to add more workouts to your personal training, you must do so one at a time? Is it also true its easier to get into new workouts if you do them before the ones you have stuck with and did for a longer time?

Hi Simon,

Not at all.

Your body craves variety and challenge, but despises overtraining. Overtraining leads to boredom, plateau in muscle growth, and worst still, injury.

In fact, adding more workouts to your personal strength training routine can actually help you achieve your fitness goals faster. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Variety keeps things interesting. If you’re doing the same workouts all the time, it’s easy to get bored and unmotivated. Adding new workouts to your routine will help you stay engaged and excited about your fitness journey.
  • Challenge helps you grow. When you challenge your body with new workouts, it forces it to adapt and grow. This is how you build muscle and strength.
  • Cross-training can help you avoid injury. By doing a variety of workouts, you’re less likely to overuse any one muscle group. This can help you avoid injuries and stay healthy.

Of course, it’s important to add new workouts gradually to avoid overtraining. Start by adding one or two new workouts to your routine per week. Once you’ve adapted to the new workouts, you can gradually increase the number of new workouts you add.

Here are a few tips for adding new workouts to your personal training routine:

  • Start with workouts that are similar to the ones you’re already doing. This will help you ease into the new workouts and avoid injuries.
  • Add new workouts that target different muscle groups. This will help you build a balanced physique and avoid overusing any one muscle group.
  • Listen to your body. If you’re feeling pain, stop the workout and rest. Don’t push yourself too hard, especially when you’re just starting out.

As for your second question, it’s not necessarily easier to get into new workouts if you do them before the ones you have stuck with and did for a longer time. However, there are a few benefits to doing this:

  • You’re more likely to be fresh and energized at the beginning of your workout. This can help you perform better on the new workouts.
  • You’re less likely to be intimidated by the new workouts if you do them before the ones you’re already comfortable with.
  • You can use the warm-up from your previous workouts to get ready for the new workouts.

However, if you find that you’re more focused and motivated later in your strength training, then it’s perfectly fine to do the new workouts at the end of your routine.

Ultimately, the best way to decide when to do new workouts is to experiment and see what works best for you. There is no right or wrong answer.

I hope this helps! If it does, please




May you be blessed.

Faithfully yours,

Strength Training with Gary



Gary Foo

Ahoy there, mateys! Gary, yer anchor in Abundance, here! ⚓️ Ready to chart a course for online riches? My stories be yer treasure map! Set sail to success NOW!