Writing Every Day

Gary Jiang
2 min readJul 3, 2016


As mentioned in my previous post about habit formation, one of my new push habits for this month is writing every day. This habit is purely intrinsic and an exercise in developing a few aspects of myself that aren’t visible like a No Junk Food habit would be.

Language as a lens

Language and the words we choose to use have such a massive control on our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Every word that we hear or use influences those around us and our own consciousness.

Each and every day we encounter massive amounts of communication whether directly with people in person or digitally, or with technology and content. We assume our thoughts are entirely own but the bombardment of information shapes us. We see the world through these influences whether or not we willingly let them in.

Spending some time each day to channel my own thoughts into words will help me clear some of the clutter that we all inevitably build up over time.

But is this journaling?

There’s plenty of evidence on the benefits of journaling on one’s level of happiness, their trajectory for goal achievement, and more but to be honest I’m not sure if I would consider this journaling.

Though to a degree this can be considered journaling, I am writing my thoughts down every day and reaping the benefits of self-reflection but there’s also a sense of risk in sharing the thoughts publicly.

Sharing my thoughts in writing opens myself to judgement, something I’ve struggled with in the past. I could write for hours on how this one small fault can lead to a plethora of problems and missed opportunities but I’d rather close this out on a positive note.

“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.”

William Faulkner

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments or through email.

I’d appreciate it if you hit the 💚 button, you’re the best.



Gary Jiang

full stack software engineer w/ a bg in growth marketing & entrepreneurship. simply a collection of thoughts, notes, ideas & experiments. enjoy. g8ry.com