An update regarding my new kitchen

Gary Kramer
3 min readJun 8, 2022


A few weeks ago, I wrote the following article:

In this article, I mentioned that I was about to have my kitchen ripped out and replaced. This was finished several days ago. It now looks like this:

As you can see, I also got new flooring put in.

I now have a dishwasher. I’m not used to having a dishwasher. I never had a working dishwasher growing up (they had one but it broke when I was very young and they never replaced it so it just sat there) and since I moved out, I’ve lived in a few places, one of which had a dishwasher. They’re handy to have but really the main reason I included a dishwasher was resale value (I probably need to explain that).

I’ve also never had an induction cooktop before but it seems simple enough to use.

I’m about 6'2.5" (roughly 189 cm) and I find the topmost shelves hard to reach (but certainly not impossible). I’m still happy with it though. The old kitchen had no high shelves, aside from that mini-pantry in the corner.

In fact, the old kitchen didn’t even have a full pantry. It had a linen cupboard in the space where you would put a pantry. I had that ripped out and a pantry installed there. Yes, this means I don’t have a built-in linen cupboard anymore, but there are ways around that. I decided I wanted a decent pantry instead. Because my property is a townhouse, it means that you don’t have space for everything you might want.

All in all, I’m very happy with the new kitchen. I don’t expect this house to be my forever home (I never bought it with that intention) but I will likely be living it for a while. And this should add value to the house, if I do end up selling it one day.

My next job will most likely be getting the house repainted. I would guess that it’s probably never been repainted (since it was built over 30 years ago). When I bought the house several years ago, the previous owners had done very little with it, aside from install an air conditioner (a reverse cycle one that sits on the wall — not uncommon in my country). Since then, I’ve done quite a few things with the house, as I mentioned in my other article.



Gary Kramer

I am autistic, I enjoy learning new information and will happily talk about most topics. I don’t have a writing niche. Not my real name.