MLK: Now is the Time, A history that should not be forgotten.

Mao Gary
4 min readMay 5, 2023


Publisher: Time Immersive.
Release Date: Jan 13th, 2023
Developer: Flight School Studio

MLK: Now is the Time is a virtual reality experience created by Time Immersive, in partnership with the estate of Martin Luther King Jr. This immersive VR experience takes users through the important moment during Martin Luther King Jr’s life and the Civil Rights Movement. This experience features interactive elements and immersive storytelling, allowing users to witness King’s speech, marches and other essential moments which helped shape the course of history.

While it may be premature to render a definitive judgment on the success of this virtual reality experience, it is undoubtedly captivating and engaging from the perspective of the viewer. Therefore, it cannot be ignored that the experience holds an inherent appeal and allure, making it a noteworthy addition to the emerging field of virtual reality applications in historical education and advocacy. During the whole experience, Martin Luther King Jr’s speeches are delivered with a remarkable level of emotional impact, evoking the power and significance of his iconic oratory. The immersive VR experience combines black and white video, historic footage and 3D colourful animations, allowing the users to engage with content in a multi-dimensional and dynamic manner.

What kind of role does time play in this VR experience?

Time has played a role to produced an immersive VR experience that offers a condensed but significant overview of Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and career. The experience, which lasts approximately fifteen minutes, seamlessly combines historical and iconic speeches with vivid 3D modelling to create a captivating and engaging journey through history. Time’s role as a guide in the experience enables users to witness the struggle to eradicate racism from both a global perspective and a personal, first-person perspective. By presenting the content in this way, time offers a unique and compelling opportunity for users to engage with this important chapter in history.

Virtual Reality enhances the immersive of the “MLK: Now is the Time” project by providing users with a more visceral perspective of the significance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches, particularly from the viewpoint of a vulnerable person. A notable example is the simulation of a black man stopped and interrogated by police on the side of the road, where the user is required to remain calm and avoid any sudden movements. It could be hard to understand the significance that these speeches and the legacy left by Marin Luther King Jr, what it brought to disadvantaged black people (at that time) if you weren’t experiencing these things first-hand in a VR device.

Great to see an app that makes good use of hand tracking. The mix of historical footage with interactive experiences was very well done.

Source: Google search

Utilizing the advanced technology of virtual reality, users can engage in a variety of interactive activities designed to foster their understanding and support of social justice issues. The incorporation of VR technology creates an immersive and impactful experience, allowing users to connect with Martin Luther King Jr’s Legacy and understand the importance of continued activism towards a more just society. History and Legacy should be remembered in an imperative way, by doing so, we gain a deeper understanding of the events and figures that have shaped our world and society. Virtual reality technology helps to add an effective understanding of the importance of Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy for a multiracial society. The interactive links full of cartoon elements are also attractive and exploratory for the younger generation.

MLK: The Now is the Time VR experience gave me a new feeling, as Time Immersive describes in their self-presentation: bringing TIME journalism into the user’s living room, classroom, or elsewhere through groundbreaking interactive visual narratives. Despite not being able to achieve quite the same skill level in our assignment, this immersive experience brought me further understanding and learning about vr interactive work that I can draw on and progress with for my next assignment: A Moment in Time.

