Week of 11 Feb — 17 Feb(OOP)

Gary Zhong
2 min readFeb 17, 2019


  1. What did you do this past week?

Last week I have been working on the c++ collatz project. The collatz project will be described in detail below; I had some struggling part as well as good reflection on how to be more efficient. In this past week, I also finished my report write up for my machine learning classification project. Learning Matlab during the project wasn’t the most pleasant coding experience, but the result I obtained was well predicted and meaningful. Some parts of the mathematics behind the implementation are still difficult for me to grasp, and I decide to ask TA next week during office hour.

2. What’s in your way?

I made a head start of the collatz project weeks ago, but I didn’t continue after I started. My time management skill failed me greatly last week. I gave myself just one day to finish the coding itself, and the hacker rank tests frustrated me a great deal.

3. What will you do next week?

In next week I will continue finishing up my Cloud computing project on AWS S3 service. S3 is a widely used storage system service in many industries. The project is to implement methods to modify cloud storage. Besides the project, I also need to prepare for the upcoming midterm on Thursday. The professor posted a lot of impactful papers about the technology behind AWS, and I want to spend some time on reading.

4. What was your experience of Project #1?

Getting familiar with C++ took me sometimes. The way to use HashMap and for each loop took me some time to adjust. The hacker rank tests require me a lot of time to figure out different ways of optimization and some ridiculous bugs. I used a combination of lazy cache and meta cache for optimization. I was stuck in a bug where I used the wrong index for a while, and then the meta cache wasn’t big enough to avoid the Timeout. Since I didn’t give myself enough time, my panic prevented me from debugging rationally. I did manage to sustain my sanity after I found out we need to use long int.

5. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is S3 service, which “is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.” It provides a clean, reliable, efficient solution to building a non-relational database. Recommend people to try it.


