Mac Addresses and Examples

Zyon Gary
3 min readNov 20, 2022


Learn what a Mac Address is and how it works.

What is a Mac address?

A Mac address or a Media Access Control Address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number that is most often displayed with a colon or hyphen that separates every two digits, which are called octets. This address is put on a NIC (Network Interface Card) by every manufacture, and it cannot be altered. Mac addresses are used to identify a specific device. For example:

Your Mac address has two parts that make up the whole address. An OUI, or organizationally unique identifier, helps identify the specific vendor of your device and the NIC, which is a card made by the manufacture inside your computer that helps connect you to the internet. Devices will never have the same Mac address because they are used to communicate to each other. If the devices are on the same network or on a totally different network Mac addresses help in this process. A NIC card looks like this:

NIC card

How a Mac address works and its relationship with IP addresses

IP and Mac addresses work in tandem. The IP address is used to help locate where a device is, and the Mac address is used to help identify the type of device. So, think about it like this:

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An IP address is like a physical location where someone lives. A Mac address is like the name of the person who lives there. Before you are able to enter someone’s house, you have to know their name and where they live, or the Mac address and IP address of their device in this case. That is why these two addresses are so important!

How to find the MAC address on your device

The way you find a MAC address can vary depending on what OS you are running, but it is most commonly found through the command prompt for Windows and the GUI (Graphical User Interface) for Mac.

How to find a Mac address on Windows

  1. Hold down the Windows key or click on the search button and type “cmd.”
  2. Press enter or click on the command prompt that pops up.
  3. While in the command prompt, type “ipconfig /all.”
  4. This will give you information about your devices, such as the IPv4 and IPv6 versions and your Mac address.

5. If you only want to view your mac address, type in ipconfig /all | findstr Address (this command is not limited to just mac addresses; you can use it to find anything).

On Mac OS, how do you find the Mac address?

  1. Go to the search bar at the top right, click the search button, and type in “network.”
  2. Select the network you are currently on, then select the hardware tab.
  3. Your Mac address or a physical address should be displayed.



Zyon Gary

Aspiring Cybersecurity Specialist that is always learning new things.