Introducing Gasket: The Magical Spreadsheet Update Button

Keep on top of all the new data from your apps

Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2017


If you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’re drowning in data from tools like Typeform, Mailchimp or some other trendy app.

If not, here’s a gif to make your visit worthwhile.

Note: here’s why you shouldn’t ask your marketing guy to write blog posts on a Friday afternoon…

Great, time to look at another 1,000 data points

Don’t get us wrong, it’s super satisfying when your survey gets a load of results. But, we also found it’s accompanied with that dread of sifting through it all.

It means that yet again, you’ve got to

…remember how to find the export button the app developers hid away

…delete the 19 irrelevant columns (because who cares about the answer ID?)

…cross your fingers that it won’t explode in a mess after hitting CTRL+V

…filter it down to the useful entries (woo, uncompleted submissions!)

…and then finally analyse it all.

Another week then rolls around and you’ve got to recreate the whole dance yet again.

This is dull, let’s automate it!

Like the good engineers we are, we decided we could automate this nonsense. I mean, it’s data manipulation. It couldn’t be that hard…right?

Maybe replace the pick axes with keyboards. And our beards aren’t yet white #lifegoals

So, we set off to work. As you can guess, it turned out to be surprisingly complicated. The apps wouldn’t play nice together, the features we’d dreamt up were a PITA. You know how it is.

But we got there. We created Gasket, a tool to automate the data headache.

The magical sync button

We’ll go into details later, but let’s start by pretending it’s a magical update button.

You sit there looking at the analysis you did last week in Google Sheets. It’s great, you even made some pretty graphs and clever calculations. But, now that data’s no longer up-to-date.

Now with Gasket you get a shiny button to press and it all updates!

Your mouldy old numbers are replaced with some fresh data from your apps, slotted straight into the spreadsheet. It’s ready prepared, filtered and arranged how you wanted it.

That way you can spend the time actually looking at what’s happened, not trying to beat the new numbers into those tiny boxes.

Combining your data

With the basic data teleportation explained, we can move on to fancy stuff.

Yes, we think this is exciting. Yes, maybe we care a weird amount about spreadsheets. Whatever.

With Gasket, the magic button can draw data from multiple apps at once for combined strength.

7 points if you understand this reference.

Want to cross check the subscription type of each Typeform respondent? Consider it done.

Want to see how your tasks correspond to CRM entries? Yup, we can do that too.

Want to shoot giant energy balls? Ok…that’s beyond us.

Generally speaking, we can compare and enrich your data. Again, it only takes one click to update the spreadsheet with the latest versions from your apps.

Finally, how it works…

The tech guys insisted I stop pretending it’s magic, so here’s how it works.

  • Gasket makes friends with your apps, getting permission to access your data
  • You set up a Gasket, picking how you want the info filtered and arranged
  • You add the Gasket to a Google Sheet, build an analysis around it
  • Hitting update grabs the data, applies the filters & arrangement, then replaces the old numbers

Apparently I’m ‘making it sound too simple, it took us ages!’, but I think that’ll do.

Want your very own magical update button?

We’re in a public beta at the moment while finalising the features. If you want early access, sign up with our Product Hunt page!

As an early adopter we can walk you through any step of applying your Gasket, to try and minimise your data headaches. Plus, you’ll get a free 3-month pass when we start charging.

Or if you want to know more, drop an email to

(This post was brought to you by Zach, our somewhat exhausted copywriter!)

