What should we expect from the century of automation?

5 min readDec 24, 2017


The profession of the waiter, contrary to stereotypes, requires hard work. Despite this it is often poorly paid so the main income of the waiter is a tip. Such earnings are very unstable: in one day a waiter can earn a lot, one day nothing. That is why young people, students, or those who are ready to accept the volatility of wages are most often employed in this post.

Nowadays we can see the tendency that the owner of an establishment forces waiters to work to exustion, putting a lot of other people’s responsibilities on them. This tendency is observed everywhere: coming to the restaurant, we see a tired waiter who can not smile, not because the guest is unpleasant to him, but because he can not physically do it.

Fortunately, in the age of high technology there is an excellent opportunity to give some rest to the waiter. You can safely say: to replace the human work comes automation, which can make our life as comfortable as possible.

So, what is automation?

The purpose of automation is to solve the key problems of the restaurant industry.

First of all, these problems are associated with the high workload of the staff. The implemented system is able to take on a big part of the functions without sacrificing quality, since in the case of automation all human factors (fatigue, illness, etc.) are excluded. As a result, the level of service and customer flow is increasing, and so the profit.

What can be automated?

The work of the waiter. In the age of high technology, it does not sound surprising. If you implement an automatic system the guests don’t wait for a slow waiter, but choose the meal themselves. The system can not spoil the mood of the visitor by its appearance or rudeness. It will help with choice and sending the order directly to the kitchen, without wasting time.

Stock management. This function will allow you to control the amount of goods in the warehouse and will remind you of the need to restock the goods. This will avoid unpleasant situations with the absence of any meal in the menu, which means that the number of unsatisfied visitors will be reduced to a minimum. This will be the basis for positive feedback and recommendations, and as a result — increased income.

The processes of commodity circulation. In this case, they will become “transparent” and available for analysis at any time. Automated calculation of the cost of finished products will allow you to quickly and easily evaluate the efficiency of the productive shop.

How can I automate?

The automation market presents a wide range of various IT services that help attract visitors, perform the work of waiters or allow the owner of an institution to manage his work right from home:

1. Services to attract new customers. If earlier there was a promoter near the institution and invited people passing by to go and have a bite, now the program performs its functions. She sends information about promotions and offers of the institution to the phones of regular guests, or visitors who once booked a table for their phone number.

2. Systems that allow management to remotely monitor what is happening in the restaurant. Unlike the whole video surveillance system, which requires colossal costs for installation, the service cloud does not require anything costly for its work. At the same time, it allows you to watch the work of an institution from anywhere in the world.

3. Services that control the number of products in the warehouse. They allow you to regularly monitor that each product is available, which greatly simplifies the inventory process.

4. Systems allowing the guest to make an order through the application. The client can familiarize with the menu directly on the screen of the gadget and make an order in a couple of clicks.

5. Services of non-cash payment. They allow the visitor to pay by bank card or virtual card, loaded into the smartphone.

6. Systems allowing the visitor to get acquainted with the menu and other data about the restaurant by reading the QR-code.

The most popular programs for automation

One of the most famous programs — iiko is connected with a huge number of modules connected to one server and working directly through it. It sounds rather difficult, and in fact it is. Experienced restaurateurs who have negligence to introduce this program to their institution, faced with a number of problems:

“Departing” licenses at the box office. There were regular situations when the system for some reason refused to work and gave an error. The report said that the license had expired, although in reality it was not so. For this reason, it was not possible to open the shift in time, which completely disrupted the course of work.

Great expenses. This system requires the installation of its own equipment, which costs in round amounts, which are unjustified.

The set of unnecessary functions and the absence of elementary functions. For example, to achieve a well-established system of accumulating bonus points from the client, one company spent several years.

It is obvious that automation through iiko not only does not justify the means spent for it, but it also can create losses for the institution.

There are other systems: jowi, poster, quick resto … This list can be continued indefinitely. But is there a program among its items that allows to automate most processes and thus really solve the problems of the institution? Fortunately, there is.

Full automation is easy

To the great ease of the owners of restaurants in the IT market there was an eWaiter service capable of debugging the work of any institution. It includes all the functions of automation services:

Attraction of new clients;

Analysis and observation of the restaurant;

Controlling the number of products in the warehouse and automatically generating a request for the supplier;

Ability to make an order through the application;

Possibility to get data about the restaurant by reading the QR-code.

And all this — in one eWaiter system, which does not require the installation of a large amount of bulky equipment. It combines reliability, availability and functionality — qualities that are invaluable for those who value their business and strive for its development.

Our website: https://ewaiter.io
Telegram Chanel: https://t.me/ewaiterico




Gastery is a blockchain platform for the restaurants’ guest service automation and loyalty system based on WTR token. Official website: https://gastery.io