What we’ve learned about the future of the Democratic Party

Gather Activism
4 min readAug 7, 2018


Last weekend the University of Chicago Democrats hosted the annual College Democrats of America (CDA) summer convention — the first to be held in the state of Illinois. With the venue a short walk from Gather’s headquarters, our team attended the event, tabled with new ~swag~, and mingled amongst the these students making strides for progressive change on their college campuses. In our two days with these young leaders, we learned a few things about the future of the Democratic party.

1. They’re quick on their feet

David Olin, CDA Programs Director Emeritus (Photo Source: Charlie Rollason)

With the CDA conference scheduled for the beginning of August, the team scrambled upon the resignation of its former Programs Director in May. In the wake of the crisis, then Deputy Programs Director David Olin stepped into the role — tasked with pulling the event off with little time to spare. As the conference fell on Lollapalooza weekend in Chicago, Olin sought to do the impossible and find free supporter housing for the hundreds of students in attendance at the conference. Otherwise, many students, especially those of low-income households, would find the conference cost-prohibitive and find themselves disenfranchised from voting at the executive board elections.

Flying from California to Chicago while still in school himself to sort out the housing conundrum and pull together a killer speakers list for the event, Olin moved quickly and meticulously to nail down the logistics of the event as if it were his professional calling. With strong problem-solving skills and the capability to pull of a wildly successful event with just a few weeks notice, Olin truly illustrated that regardless of the challenges ahead, the Democratic Party will hold strong and adapt around roadblocks to push forward for progressive change.

2. They don’t just march. They run!

Left to right: Artur Genser, Hadiya Afzal, Kate Lindgren (Photo Source: Charlie Rollason)

The youth movement in politics nowadays is often portrayed as solely demanding change through marches and other organized political engagements. However, the vast majority of students at the conference either helped run campaigns or were actually running for elected office themselves.

Eighteen-year-old DePaul student Hadiya Afzal, for example, is running for DuPage County Board in District 4. Featured in the May issue of Teen Vogue, Afzal explains that she is running in order to see the changing demographics and views in DuPage matched in local government. She knew the people in DuPage wanted to be heard, and she knew she could be the one who listened. Her campaign manager, UChicago student Kate Lindgren, also sees the importance of Afzal’s mission, knowing that she can make a difference in Illinois politics by participating in more than just marches.

When these College Democrats see a problem with their elected officials, they don’t just vote them out, they take their seats. The future of the Democratic Party is young, and they are ready not only to demand better representation, but also to provide it.

3. They have a funky sense of fashion

Left: Ridgley Knapp, CDA Communications Director & UC Dems President (Photo Source: Charlie Rollason)

While most of the College Dems rolled up in business attire to the conference, a few fashion highlights before and throughout the event truly illustrated that young people don’t play with uncomfortable clothes when sh*t needs to get done. Before the event, host Ridgley Knapp sported an oversized motivational graphic tee to move tables, projectors, banners, and crowds. Directing students and introducing Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, UC Dems member Charlie Rollason trekked from place to place in her bright rainbow Chacos. Others made their treks in Birkenstocks and Nike sneakers, suggesting that politicians may run more comfortably to make votes on the House and Senate floors in the future.

4. They’re coming for the polls

Top (left to right): Mike Smith, Calvin Wilborn, Mikaela Guido; Middle (left to right): Sophia O’Neal, Ridgley Knapp, Victoria Koffsky; Bottom (left to right): Drew Kromer, Kyteria Marshall, Ethan Smith

Striving to found College Democrats chapters #OnEveryCampus this year, CDA is pressing the future of the Democratic Party to vote in the upcoming midterm elections. They know the importance of voting and are ensuring that students just like them have every opportunity to engage in the political process now and moving forward.

Inspired by the future of the Democratic Party? You can get involved with the UChicago Democrats Community here on Gather.

