A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Angel Numbers

Elle N
5 min readAug 23, 2022

Have you ever checked a clock or your phone only to find that it read exactly 11:11? It gives you an inexplicable feeling of amusement and joy, making you wonder if it’s a sign of some sort. The distinction between the spiritual and physical realms is not as clear-cut as you may imagine. Angel numbers are a series of divinely repeated numbers or patterns that have profound spiritual significance. This is how angels frequently interact with us by crossing this invisible “line.” However, this is not all of it. Let’s learn more about the angel numbers that have intrigued us for the longest time!

Angel numbers: What do they mean?

Numerology includes the study of angelic numbers. Numerology is the idea that some numbers are meaningful and have a mystical or symbiotic tie to human conduct and the events in our life. Angel numbers, according to this body of thinking, are recurring patterns of numbers that appear in our daily lives. Rather than appearing by chance, these numbers do so when they want to communicate with us or teach us something. This communication may originate from the universe, our guardian angels, or other ethereal entities.

The world you are traveling through and what lies ahead are what angel numbers are most interested in. They don’t remain static. They are adaptable, flexible, and persistently changing, and they function in line with what you are doing. Your birth date or astrological sign is not connected to your angel number.

Meanings of common angel numbers

The most prevalent meaning of angel numbers can be understood by knowing which repeated numbers are significant and carry a divine message. According to numerologists, the following sequence of numbers has deep spiritual significance. They are filled with spiritual meaning and are probably a sort of heavenly direction. Learn to recognize these recurring patterns of numbers and you will begin to see why certain numbers keep catching your attention. From hints that we need to increase our levels of love, career, and spiritual growth to alerts that a transformation or a significant spiritual awakening is imminent.


New opportunities are associated with the number zero. It may be a new beginning when you see zeroes in a sequence. If you can liberate your mind from your preconceptions, this number might represent complete freedom because it indicates that you are not bound by anything. Keeping an eye out for new chances and considering the kind of life you wish to lead are the main themes of this sage sign.


One has immense manifesting power. If you come across angel number 1, take advantage of the chance to make a wish, establish a goal, or plant a seed since it’s thought that the universe will give you the go-ahead. The angels have your back and are here to help you through the brand-new journey you’re about to embark on!


If you see two in a row, it may indicate that someone is assisting you in reaching your destination. Two symbolize harmony, confidence, and agreement. It’s a good idea to get in touch with your most reliable friend to determine if divine cooperation is available right now.


Three is an angel number which indicates that you have the chance to bring forth your special skills and abilities to tackle a problem. Number three suggests that by embracing your natural talents, you’ll find more worth and abundance in whatever situation you’re dealing with.


The number four represents stability. It can be an indication that the angels have observed your course and wish to reassure you that you are on the right track. Fundamentally, building trust is what will enable you to soar to new heights.


The number five denotes that significant changes may be forthcoming. These changes might be taking place in secret for the time being. It might also be an indication of inspiration.


When angel number six is on your side, you are certain that you have the freedom to view a circumstance. The number 6 can mean that you may need to confront your shadow self. It can also serve as a gentle reminder that no matter what the circumstances, you need to be kind to yourself. Although things may not always go as planned, having angel number six on your side means that you always have a choice. It helps you always keep in mind that everything happens for a reason.


The angel number seven indicates potential good fortune, particularly in terms of money. Seven encourages you to venture out and investigate options outside of your comfort zone because new financial opportunities can present themselves. Saying yes to all the possibilities and jobs that promise affluence might be worthwhile.


Eights could indicate supernatural backing for those who think there is an afterlife. Eight is a representation of infinity. When you see this angel number, don’t be hesitant to follow your gut instinct. It may be a potent reflection of a link to the spiritual world.


The number nine completes the numerology chart. Nine signifies that a chapter might be nearing a conclusion. The 9s serve as a reminder that we are getting close to the finish line and that this sequence contains all the energy we might need to finish. It might be a terrific opportunity to take a step back, evaluate, and think about how we can advance.

What to do if you keep seeing angel numbers?

Now that you are aware of the significance of each angel number and the meanings they hold, remember what an angel number is attempting to tell you whenever you encounter one. Take a few long, slow breaths. Be in a peaceful, optimistic state of mind when you are meditating. Make the request given to you by the angel number. Making a wish or accepting abundance are both examples of this. Let it flow. Allow yourself to feel thankfulness and let go.

Embrace the satisfaction that comes with knowing that the angels are by your side and are helping you traverse the path to success.

The Bottom Line

The universe wants you to hear the messages that are contained in these angel numbers. They offer peace and calm amid turbulence and change, support when you feel out on a limb, and motivate you to keep going when you are on the right road.



Elle N

An eternal optimist, dreamer, manifest designer, business analyst, and a spiritual life coach. I am always searching for ways to help others find joy, light, an