Renting your Womb? Know the Risks Involved

Dr. Manika Khanna
2 min readOct 30, 2017


Before committing to the nine long months of carrying a child who isn’t yours, it is of significant importance for the surrogates to consider the risks of being one. Apart from the emotional baggage of carrying someone else’s child, there are a few health issues involved in being a surrogate. Before making this big decision the best IVF centre in Delhi guides you and prepares you through all the are risks associated with surrogacy.

Medically related side effects:

Often the complications that come with surrogacy go untold. Similar to a natural pregnancy, these complications revolve around the process of carrying and giving birth to a child. The side effects of the same could be as mild as nausea, back pain and heartburn to as severe as hypertension, gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. In case of gestational surrogacy, since the medication for IVF is involved, including injecting fertility medications at home, allergic reactions and needle bruising are normal consequences. Apart from the above, there are other risks that are not as common as the ones mentioned above and are associated with the embryo transfer. Cramping, bleeding or an infection during the procedure of embryo transfer is quite normal.

Emotional side effects:

Besides the medical risks involved in surrogacy, there are several emotional challenges one has to face. It is extremely normal for a surrogate mother to face depression or anxiety through the process of surrogacy, or even after it. After carrying someone else’s child in one’s womb for nine months, it can be heartbreaking for the surrogate mother to deal with the fact that she will not be going home with the child. While you may think you can handle this emotional burden by yourself, you may very well require a counsellor or a therapist to guide you through the process of surrogacy.

Despite the serious risks and side effects involved in surrogacy, opting surrogacy at a renowned IVF clinic in Delhi will help you face every challenge that surrogacy entails effectively.

Gaudium IVF centre provides hassle-free surrogacy services by taking complete care of the legal, administrative and medical issues.

Contact today for a free and detailed surrogacy guidance from Dr Manika Khanna, the expert IVF specialist in Delhi.



Dr. Manika Khanna

Dr. Manika Khanna, MBBS, MD, D.A.G.E (Germany) is an award-winning Infertility Specialist and Laparoscopic Surgeon.