Life Of An Indian Woman

Gaurav Lakhina
3 min readOct 20, 2022


This article is gonna be an insight into the life of a typical Indian woman.

A typical rural Indian Women

In India, the condition of women is not so impressive. In earlier days, women were considered to be the shadow of their men. They couldn’t do anything against their husband or the man of the house’s opinion.

This condition can still be found in rural areas or even in urban areas, where old school mentality still exists.

Though in urban areas, this thinking no longer exists, as most families have become modernized and most men respect women. Respect is there in rural areas also, but a way of thinking there needs to be changed. Their women are still called The Light Of Another Home.

Now where do the women go, neither the father’s house is called her house, nor the husband’s house is called her house.

An extremely old lady thinking of what all she could have done

In my family, this old-school thinking still does exist. Daughters aren’t given that many facilities as a son. They are never allowed to do business, and most of them are told to do a 9 to 5 and preferably do a teacher’s job.

But are they happy doing that?

If someone wants to go against the odds, they are told to not do that. No one provides them with a helping hand most of the time. And the only businesses women themselves think they can do are mostly skincare, beauty-based products, and such relevant things.

Why can’t a woman compete with men or do what a man is doing?

Patriarchal Society

Like why do they want to do the works which the patriarchal society forces them to? Why not try a business where man has an upper hand? Why not challenge them?

Most of them will stay it's easy for us to make these businesses work.

Nothing ever is easy and if going against society is thought of as being tough, do that. Be the rule breaker that provides the next generation to have a little bit of comfort being in your position.

Don’t cry at your state, get up and change that.

Photo by Sonika Agarwal on Unsplash

India is a country where goddesses are worshipped but the condition of that women is still bitter in several parts of the country. Daily, we hear cases of rape in many parts of the country. Some women don’t even report that as the rapist belongs to a rich family.

The government has issued certain laws in the favor of women, some bad women misuse them also.

I have heard of a case in my family, where the man did nothing wrong, but still, the woman accused him of rape. A case was filed against the man and even though the woman was wrong, no inspection was done.

Final Words

I hope you got an insight into the condition of a woman in my country and how some cunning ones are using the laws made in their favor, negatively.

