Roles in Data Science

Gaurav Chauhan
3 min readAug 27, 2018


There are lies, damn lies, and Amazon reviews

So you want to be a Data Scientist, ok but in which position you will work in it?? This is one of the common but life changing decision that should be addressed before you should start your Data Science Journey.

In Data Science, there are many of sectors in which you will be interested in or you will make a future in it. But what are the sectors?

A. In Data Science you can become any one of these

  • Data Scientist
  • Analytics Manager
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Architect
  • Data Engineer
  • Research Analyst
  • Research Scientist
  • Statistician
  • and many more …

And believe me you can get easily confused in choosing in the role. As a beginner if you skip this step then also it will be okay, but eventually a time will come in which you will find out that you have to choose the right path according to you likelihood and knowledge.

Right now to understand this in a simple way, i will just explain basic positions that are placed in a mid tier sized company.

If you are following the the tutorial then you will remember this video.

Just focus now from 5m52s in the video.

You have seen an image and understanding of the roles like this.

I would say it is almost perfect representation of the positions that a Data Scientist works on, and as that video explains clearly i will clearly recommend to understand from the video.

In the end i can just sat that no matter what position you choose, you have one motive to play with the data.

To get the latest updates, tips and anything you want or have issue just post in the comments.

Till then….

Happy coding :)

And Don’t forget to clap clap clap…

