The World of Generative AI — Where Creativity Meets Technology

6 min readDec 19, 2023


Generative AI represents a class of artificial intelligence systems capable of autonomously producing novel content. These systems, which include techniques like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and others, create original material by leveraging learned patterns and knowledge acquired during training. They can be adept at generating images, text, audio, or video.

Generative Adversarial Networks

Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs operate through two neural networks — the generator and the discriminator — simultaneously trained via adversarial training. The generator crafts new content, while the discriminator evaluates its proximity to real data. This iterative process enhances the generator’s proficiency in creating increasingly realistic content.

Simpler non-technical explanation for GANs

GANs work like a team of two artists in a unique kind of competition. One artist is called the generator, whose job is to create new artworks. The other artist is the discriminator, acting like a critic whose job is to judge whether the new artwork looks like a real, authentic piece.

These two are trained together in a kind of game. The generator tries to make art so convincing that the discriminator can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s been made up. At the same time, the discriminator gets better and better at spotting the differences. This back-and-forth competition helps the generator learn how to produce more and more realistic creations.

Variational Autoencoders

VAEs approach content generation from an angle of probability and encoding. They learn to represent the input data in a compressed, lower-dimensional space called the latent space. The VAE comprises an encoder, which maps data into the latent space, and a decoder, which reconstructs data from the latent representation. During training, VAEs introduce a degree of randomness, allowing them to sample points from the latent space and generate diverse and unseen variations of the original data.

Simpler non-technical explanation for VAEs

Variational Autoencoders, or VAEs, are a way to create new content, like images or text, by using the ideas of chance and a special kind of data compression. Imagine you have a large, detailed photo. First, a VAE simplifies this photo into a simpler, smaller sketch that still has its essential features — this process is like packing a suitcase full of clothes into a compact form. This simplification step is done by the part of the VAE called the encoder, which takes the detailed data and compresses it into a simpler, essential form in a space we call the latent space.

Next, there’s another part of the VAE called the decoder. Its job is to take the simplified sketch from the latent space and try to recreate the original photo based on this compact information. It’s like trying to recreate your full wardrobe from the packed suitcase without knowing exactly how each piece looked originally.

While the VAE learns how to do this packing and unpacking, it also adds a bit of randomness to the process. This randomness allows the VAE to not just recreate the original photos but also to come up with new variations — imagine creating new outfits that you might not have thought of when you packed your suitcase. This way, VAEs can generate new and diverse content that is similar to, but not exactly the same as, the original data.

Diffusion models

Diffusion models take a remarkably different approach, relying on a gradual process of “adding noise” and then “denoising”. They start with an image (or other data) and progressively corrupt it with noise over many steps. Then, a neural network is trained to reverse this process, learning how to de-noise the image. This ability to de-noise random patterns translates to creating new content by starting purely from noise and transforming it step-by-step into a structured, coherent image or other data type.

Simpler non-technical explanation for Diffusion models

Diffusion models are another creative way to generate new things like pictures or text, but they work a bit like an artist first messing up a canvas and then magically clearing it up to create something new. Imagine you have a clear, detailed picture. What diffusion models do is start by gradually adding splashes of paint or scribbles (which we call “noise”) to this picture, making it less and less recognizable through many steps.

After the picture is fully covered in this “noise,” the real magic starts. A computer program, which is a kind of neural network, has learned a very special skill: it knows how to remove all those splashes and scribbles, cleaning up the mess step by step. But instead of just returning to the original picture, it uses its knowledge to transform the noise into a brand-new image or piece of content that wasn’t there before.

So, in simple terms, diffusion models work by first making a clear image unclear and then using their learned skill to not just clear up the mess, but to turn it into something new and organized, starting from randomness. It’s like turning a scribbled-on piece of paper into a beautiful drawing step by step.

Transformer-based Language Models

Transformer-based language models revolutionized natural language processing through their attention mechanism. These models process sequences of words (like sentences or paragraphs) and identify the relationships between words, focusing on those with the most relevance to the task at hand. Their prowess lies in understanding context and generating text that mirrors patterns and styles evident in their training data, producing remarkably human-like text, summaries, translations, and more. For more details , refer to the LLM article.

Generative AI Use Cases

For product managers, Generative AI offers a treasure trove of possibilities across various business domains. It can:

  • Fuel product development: Generate product descriptions, marketing materials, or even prototypes for rapid testing and idea validation.
  • Enrich customer service: Craft realistic and engaging dialogues for chatbots or virtual assistants, enhancing customer interactions.
  • Optimize financial decisions: Simulate market scenarios for risk assessment, portfolio management, or personalized financial advice.
  • Automate coding tasks: Generate code snippets or complete code based on user input, as seen in tools like GitHub Copilot.
  • Streamline legal processes: Create diverse legal documents and contracts based on templates, saving time and effort.
  • Boost agricultural productivity: Design new plant varieties with desired traits for increased yield and resilience.

Case Study: Drug Discovery Reimagined — How Pfizer Unleashes Generative AI for Personalized Medicine

Challenge: The traditional drug discovery process is a long, arduous journey, often taking over a decade and billions of dollars. Pfizer, like many pharmaceutical giants, faces the pressure of finding faster, more efficient ways to develop life-saving medications for diverse patient populations.

Solution: Enter generative AI, a cutting-edge technology revolutionizing drug discovery. Pfizer, at the forefront of this innovation, is leveraging its power to:

  • Accelerate Candidate Identification: Pfizer’s AI platform, GENTRL, uses deep learning to generate novel drug molecules with desired properties, bypassing the limitations of traditional screening methods and significantly reducing the time it takes to identify promising candidates. Imagine bypassing years of trial and error, pinpointing potential drugs in weeks instead of decades.
  • Personalized Medicine: GENTRL doesn’t just churn out generic solutions. It can tailor drug designs based on individual patient needs, genetic profiles, and disease characteristics. This opens the door to personalized medicine, where treatments are as unique as the patients they serve.
  • Reduced Development Costs: With fewer dead ends and faster development cycles, generative AI slashes the financial burden of drug discovery. This frees up resources for further research, clinical trials, and ultimately, bringing life-changing treatments to patients faster.

Conclusion: By embracing this transformative technology, Pfizer was able to do a complete overhaul of their drug discovery process: accelerated time to market, enhanced efficacy and specificity (fewer side effects due precise targeting of individual disease mechanisms), tailoring treatments to individual needs, and finally, making it more cost effective.

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