AR-Markers Progress Update

Gaurav Puniya
1 min readAug 17, 2023


Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash

With the recent code review the current progress is:

  1. Modified ARGraphics Class:
  • Updated the trackableType method to handle both Plane and AugmentedImage cases.
  • Implemented the getTrackablePolygon method for AugmentedImage objects.

2. Modified ARTrackable Class:

  • Updated the isImage method to handle AugmentedImage objects.

3. Updated Trackable Handling in ARGraphics:

  • Updated the loop that processes trackable objects to handle both Plane and AugmentedImage cases.
  • Ensure there are no null values in the processing.

The major issue was that Processing was treating the added images as a Plane and causing issues with the Trackable type. Though this issue has been resolved, the current Processing Android has a major flaw. It’s storing all the Data in Android/data folder for sketches and with the updates after Android 11, the data can’t be accessed from that folder. I’m currently working to resolve this issue as it can cause major failures in not only my project but in PDE android itself.

You can read more about this here:

