Design Document for Data Platforms

A practical guide for creating an effective design document

Gaurav Thalpati
12 min readSep 9, 2022


I often get these questions during my “data architecture” related mentoring/training sessions.

  • What design aspects should be covered in the design document?
  • Is there really a need for a design document?
  • How much detailed info should be added to the document?

I'm writing this article so that it can help the data architects who are writing design documents for the first time. In this blog post, I'll try to cover all key aspects of a design document. These are based on my experience & I'm sure there will be others who can add more points here. Please add your suggestions as public comments so that other readers can also refer to them.

Audience: Data Architects, Tech Leads, Solution Designers, Tech Project Managers, Tech leadership roles.

Key Sections in a design document for a data analytics platform

A design document for implementing a data analytics platform should cover at least these 10 sections. More sections, sub-sections, examples, and diagrams can be added as per the use case & level of information that you would like to capture.

1. Background & Overview

