How do I write an exceptionally powerful headline?

Gaurav Tikhile
6 min readJun 29, 2019


Attention Grabbing Power

If you are looking for more click-through rate of news, blog post, emails, sales page or youtube video, you need to write a Powerful headline.

What is a powerful headline?

The answer is Attention Grabber”.

Always remember, the main task of the headline is to grab the reader’s eye and bring them into the post.

Now the question is how do I write an exceptionally powerful headline?

Writing headline is a scientific art. You have to understand customer behaviour. Like what makes them drive to read your stuff.

I scanned more than 500 headlines and found some interesting stuff related to writing headline.

These headlines are from great blogs, AllTop, Buzzfeed, classic ads and other viral articles.

So I summarised 10 points from it which will help you to write a great Powerful headline for your copy and content.

Note: I also rewrote this post headline “ how do I write the exceptionally powerful headline?” for every type I mentioned below. So, you will understand it better.

Let’s start,

  1. Include Fear of Loss.

People don’t want to lose more than they want to gain. Anything that people have like money, health, family, the home they don’t want to lose them.

Just analyse yourself how many things you have that you don’t use but you don’t want to sell it.

Because you think you will lose them. You have emotions with it.

So, tell people what will they lose if they don’t buy your product.

Ask yourself, what information will they lose if they don’t read your blog?

Use that information.


In the above example, any person who returns income tax will read these read headline and your entire post because no one wants to lose extra $2,000.

The words “MISTAKE” and “COST” is a trigger point.

My Headline Version: “10 Insights from Headline Writing to Avoid Lower Click Through Rate

2. Copy Personality

Now, what does it mean to copy personality?

Find out your target audience. Use specific kind of characteristics. Mention that personality problem in your headline.

Let me show you how.

I read this great headline of the book which was in greatest headline ever club.

Now, here you are copying personality wife.

It triggered all the women having the same problem reading that ad. Also, the word “Advice” is helping to that trigger.

My Headline Version:

“Top 10 Headline Writing Insights For Marketer By Marketer”.

3. Make them Self-Conscious

Really, do you have to make self-conscious to the reader?

Yes, most of our decision comes from our self-conscious. We don’t want to feel embarrasse in front of others. Everybody wants to look good and impressive, that’s part of our life.

So use it.


Many people face this situation in life and this headline, making them more self-conscious about them. They will always read such posts when they read this type of headline. This pinpoint makes this a great powerful headline to write.

My Headline Version:

”Are You Suffering From Headline Writing Ideas Deficiency?”

4. How To — Old but Gold

How to headline is one of the old but effective ways to write headline because of its simplicity.

It directly pinpoint the problem of the reader. Remember, while writing the how-to headline don’t just write simple. Make it more specific.

Write “How to make X in Y time” or “How to make X without losing Y” instead of just“How to make X”


“How to lose weight” — Avoid this.

“How to Lose 5 Kg without exercise in a week”- This makes more clear and appealing.

My headline Version:

“How to increase Click-Through-Rate By Using This 10 Headline Writing Tips.”

5. Directly Ask About Desire

Everyone has a desire to become or to get something special in their life.

Asking specifically about their desire in the headline can make your headline and post viral.

Desire is a very strong part of life. Everyone always tries to get it by reading more information and buying products related to it.

People are always hungry to read more about their desire. These lead to increase your open rate of content and make your headline more clickable.



Here the trigger point is a desire to increase income and also giving specific period i.e “1 YEAR” make it more believable.

My headline Version:

“Who Want To Double Thier Traffic Just By Changing Headline? ”

6. Add Challenge in it

This type of headlines gets more engagement on social media.

You may have read a headline like “IF YOU CAN SOLVE THIS, YOU ARE A GENIUS”

Adding challenge into headline make the reader excited to solve that challenge and make them feel good and proud about themselves.

So next time if you want the reader to take some specific action use challenge headline.

My headline Version:

“You Will Never Run Out Headline Ideas If You Read This 10 Insights ”

7. Mention Guaranty

This headline type works especially when you are selling a product with a guaranty.

When you add guaranty in the headline it looks more trustworthy. This headline work in both the research stage and purchase stage of the customer.



It is a universal appeal to women.

And the result guaranteed is: “Or Your Money Back.”

My headline Version:

“10 Headline Writing Insights Help To Increase CTR — Or I Will Write For You”

8. Use Dominant Personalities

Using a famous personality in your headline make your post viral. Personality mentioned in headline grabs the attention of their followers.

Make sure you should not spam other’s credentials in the marketplace. This can harm your business legally too.

I watched this video on just because of Gary Vaynerchuck in that. That’s it.

Gary Vaynerchuk Is Showing Us How to Make It as an Entrepreneur

My Headline Version:

“I scanned 500+ Headline from BuzzFeed, AllTop, BuzzSumo, Classic Ads and I Found This 10 Secret Insights”

9. Ask the Question

Asking a question in the headline sense the audience that you have answered in the article.

But remember, don’t just ask “yes” or “no” question?

Like “Do you want to buy a home?” Nah Nah.

Instead, ask like this,

“Are you looking for a home having a sea view and large balcony?”

It makes more specific and creates interest in the audience to read your ads, article or copy.

My headline Version:

“Do You Struggle to Write Powerful Headline For Your Blog?”

10. State Problem Hide Solution

Now, what does that mean?

This happens with you every day,

When one says “My car failed in Jungle at night, you know what happened…?”

Other say ”What happened?”

People always eager to hear solution especially when the problem is related to theirs.

So, just recite your problem and create some curiosity.

My headline Version:

“I Only Changed My headline Of Ads, Omg! Profit went to…”

I have summarised for you:

1. Include Fear of Loss

2.Copy Personality

3. Make them Self-Conscious

4.How To — Old but Gold

5. Directly Ask About Desire

6. Add Challenge in it

7.Mention Guaranty

8. Use Dominant Personalities

9. Ask the Question

10. State Problem Hide Solution

Which ideas do you like most and which will you use in your next headline?



Gaurav Tikhile

Triple Threat Copywriter | Conversion Copy, Sales Funnel & Techie -> Connect On LinkedIn: