Here’s how I generated 752 business email leads within 15 minutes on a Sunday evening

Gaurav Vij
4 min readFeb 27, 2019


Every business needs prospecting and lead generation at some point or the other in their business journey.

Email marketing and cold mailing have always performed far superior for me than Facebook/Google ads when it comes to investment fund raising or B2b business sales or even normal customer acquisition.

This time for me, the requirement was to cold mail business owners in fashion industry for our b2b services.

Searching my prospects on Linkedin or business directories like Zaubacorp could have taken my whole weekend, which I was not interested in.

To extract emails, I could have gone to and entered the search query like this:

site:”” “Fashion” “Delhi” “”

Site specific search to target fashion companies in Delhi with as their email string

As you can see in above image, it populated the search results from of companies with fashion in their name, who are present in Delhi and who’s registered email ID includes Now I could extract one by one all those email Ids present in every search result’s description. But that would be a very sluggish process and I wanted something quick.

So, the first thing I did was to install this email extractor chrome extension in my chrome browser.

Lead bunnies email extractor tool

Now you’d ask what is an email extractor tool? In short, it’s a powerful chrome browser plugin that is able to scrape email addresses from a specific website you provide along with few keywords to target and optimise your email list.

Then, I went to Google Custom search engine website. Custom search engine website allows you to create specific website urls that you want to search for:

I created a free custom URL for (it’s a free business directory lookup website). You can create custom url for any website that you want to extract emails from by clicking on Add button. Such as, etc.

Then I pasted the custom URL into the email extractor tool:

Leadbunnies chrome plugin interface

Now, since my target business industry is Fashion. So I entered the keyword as Fashion.

To maximize the email results, I entered the Places setting as Delhi,Mumbai,Bangalore and the email strings as:,,

And then I started the process and waited as it rolled in hundreds of emails.

When the process completed in few minutes, the plugin said this:

752 emails extracted

10 minutes later; Emails Extracted: 752

And all I had was a victorious smile :D

Since I had bought the full version of this software, it allowed me to download the full email list. Otherwise, there’s a limit of 20 emails only in free trial.

All of this took me like 15 minutes and what I had in front of me was a goldmine that’d be bringing me more leads and more business.

The next morning I e-mailed half of the list.

I got 36% open rate, 11% replied and many of them have already signed up for the service.

Please See: In no way, I support spamming. Please do your own research. This lead-gen strategy might help you scale your outreach fast but it cannot beat personal outreach in terms of how the relationship would be like. Build your prospect pipeline with proper research, personal outreach and followups, as it’s not guaranteed that email blast would always bring you the results you aspire to get.


Hope this quick article helped you know how I was able to extract this many emails in a quick way. To know more about me, you may follow me on Twitter.



Gaurav Vij

An entrepreneur by choice. Building products that matter. 🤘