One-sided Love — Part 2

Gaurish Thakkar
2 min readSep 21, 2020


Today we look at Binomial distribution and correlate some of the stuff that Gabrek and Erica are doing. The first part is the formal defination and later on we start with the example.

1. Binomial Distribution:

A binomial distribution can be thought of as simply the probability of a SUCCESS or FAILURE outcome in an experiment or survey that is repeated multiple times. The binomial is a type of distribution that has two possible outcomes (the prefix “bi” means two, or twice). For example, a coin toss has only two possible outcomes: heads or tails and taking a test could have two possible outcomes: pass or fail.

The binomial distribution formula is:

b(x; n, P) = nCx * Px * (1 — P)^n — x

b = binomial probability
x = total number of “successes” (pass or fail, heads or tails etc.)
P = probability of a success on an individual trial
n = number of trials

2. Let define our events.

Let n be the number of times our protagonist and his love-interest meet for a date.

x= No of times they liked each others company. Since humans are complex animals we might always not get along.

P probability that one of them enjoyed the date.

The final probability b is given by the formula above and assuming the p to be 0.5 where we conclude either of them liked their meet at any given instance. we see the distribution below.

where if we assume the number of dates to be 40 (given on the x axis) and find that in the middle we have highest no of liked dates (given on the LHS).

The number of overeall sucess goes high if probability of liking the date was greater than 0.5. In that case we can reduce the number of dates.

Moral of the story… make sure your partner enjoys the planned dates.

Do no let the probability go below 0.5.

See you next time

