The Life Between Hell & Heaven

Gautam Pandit
2 min readJan 27, 2023


I have always been amazed by the duality of the universe.

Existence — Non-existence

Something — Nothing

Noise — Silence

You know what I’m saying right? Life exists between such two extreme points.

Pillar of Creation, where baby stars form.

Growing up wasn’t difficult at all, yet it had its own challenges. All I cared was about playing and completing my homework. Later on, it became all about grades. After grades, it became about getting a high-paying job. You see we Indians live on the edge — always on the extreme points. We do not care about what’s in between until it’s too late. That leads to discontent, burnout, and unfulfillment in life.

Is the horse looking at the center?

As I grew up, I was never aware of this fact and lived on the extreme ends. Black and White. Either it’s there or it’s not. I never gave it a second thought.

What makes a person live on the extreme end?

Bad life experiences? Bad Childhood? Bullying? Betrayals? It’s a mix of all the above-stated formulas.

Take me as an example.

Growing up was easy yet it was difficult because on one end I was carefree and never thought about judgment & rejection but sooner, I found people aren’t so kind.

I used to categorize people into 2 categories, “Good, kind people” and “Bad, Not so kind people”. But as I grew up, I found people are a mix of these two categories. They can switch.

Expect to find people in the mix. People who are capable enough to affect you both in positive and negative ways, both of which will be done by the same person. That’s life.

How to Live a balanced life, away from the extreme end?

No matter how many bad experiences you had, until you don’t wear them on your sleeves, you will find yourself away from the extreme end. Things will work out. Keep in mind that life will get tough and you have to get tougher. Be prepared for the worse.

Accept and Let go.

Give chances.


Life becomes hell if you stay on the extreme points. Life can be beautiful if you maintain your position near the center. That’s your heaven. Granted it is difficult, but not impossible. That comes with understanding and maturity.

