Coding Period Week 12(23rd August — 30th August)

Saksham Gautam
2 min readAug 30, 2023


Goals —

  1. Test singularity container on hpc
  2. Batch script for scheduling batch jobs


  1. This week began with the testing of singularity container on the hpc. With changes in the path of the RHA files, I was able to successfully integrate and get results of the swapper.
  2. Next task was to write a batch script for scheduling the batch jobs. The script should be designed to accept parameters from the command line and execute the anonymization task accordingly. This will make the task of integration with website easier.
    The batch script takes the input from the user in the following format.
sbatch <scriptname> type_of_anonymization data_type pitch echo distortion input_path output_path face_path

3. Next, I engaged in an email exchange with Peter to discuss on the most suitable deployment location for our website. We will need to change the backend according to the architecture of the system on which we are deploying. For example — In order to deploy a website on a server similar to the HPC, we will have to modify the backend to enable automatic scheduling of batch jobs upon user query submission. While if the server’s architecture resembles that of a normal ubuntu machine, it might be feasible to directly execute the code, without scheduling the batch jobs.

4. Peter pointed out that expected place for website deployment is the Gallo server. It’s basically a Red Hat Machine. Gallo doesn’t have GPU, so anything that requires GPU should be deployed on the hpc. He also pointed out that Gallo has access to gallina so we can leverage this fact to execute programs from Gallo on the hpc. It should be noted that only few people in Red Hen Lab has access to the Gallo server.

5. We are going to discuss the next steps in the meeting. Next week I will probably start working on Gallo. I will start with crerating basic scripts to execute code on hpc from Gallo and get an idea of how the things are working. Once this is done, I will edit the backend accordingly.

