Who even is this fifth guy?!

Pt 3. What’s the name of the game?

Gavin Cammell
3 min readMar 1, 2017

There, you’ll probably have ABBA stuck in your head for a good few hours...

So the name of my board game is nothing new, I came up with it when i first developed the game around 8 years ago.

But before I make the big announcement, first of all it’s about time i gave you the gist of the game.

I, like most hot-blooded males, have always enjoyed dabbling with Settlers of Catan but, like any other mild psychopath, I’d always been left wanting at the fact that I hadn’t had the oppotunity to utterly destroy and humiliate my mates by crushing everything they had wasted their time producing.

This guy knows what I’m talking about.

So with this in mind, I came up with my own version… with weapons!

Ships, Cannons, Horseman and Soldiers.

The game begins with a bit of discovery. Find somewhere to settle, gather resources, use those resources to build weapons of war to make your mates hate you for days on end.

If you’ve ever played the computer game Civilization, you’d probably find it’s quite similar to that but in board game format but without the requirement of playing for days on end.

Anyway back to the name

In a name I needed something short, memorable and reflective of the game. Though the name isn’t the be all and end all of a successful product, I want it to have that mysterious “Ooo, I wonder what that game’s about” quality.

After numerous seconds of thought I’d narrowed it down to a shorlist of three. They are as follows…

  1. Angry Buggers in Boats.
  2. Hoollaballoo, I Shoot you.
  3. Frontier.

I’m sure you can understand that it was a difficult decision to pass by such gems like “Angry Buggers in Boats” and “Hoollaballoo, I Shoot you” but the conservative in me thought the wise option was to go with Frontier.

So there you have it. Frontier. The new, old board game to wreck friendships.

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or visit www.frontierboardgame.com

Next step, testing.

For part 1 and 2 of this blog see below



Gavin Cammell

Hi there, I’m a down-to-earth bloke who likes a good yarn about creating new things. Find out more at onepublik.com or searching Gavin Cammell on linkedin.