A useful guide to API testing using Insomnia

A handy testing tool for API development with auto random test data, request chaining and test automation

Gavin F.
7 min readSep 10, 2023
Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

The use of REST APIs is ubiquitous. Most mobile apps and web portals interact with backend services by REST APIs nowadays. As a software engineer, using the right tool to test APIs is vital to high productivity. While Postman has been a popular tool for many years, Insomnia is an emerging popular alternative if you are looking for a lightweight and fast tool.

Insomnia is a free tool available for Windows, MacOS as well as Linux. It comes with a simple user interface for you to send API requests and examine responses. In spite of being a lightweight tool, it provides fancy features such as fake data generation, request chaining and test automation that is not only developer friendly but also massively boost the productivity.

In this article, let me show you how to use Insomnia to speed up your development with REST APIs. I will demonstrate the usage using Platzi Fake Store API.

A Quick Demo

Insomnia is easy to install. Either visit this link to download the installer, or install it via package manager such as brew on MacOS.



Gavin F.

Decades experience in software development. Building software and researching technologies are my full-blown obsession.