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What if You Spent 1 Hour Everyday of Your Life on Self Improvement — Food for Thought

To put things into perspective.

Graham McDonell
2 min readJan 6, 2019


From age 18 to 70 that amounts to 18,980 hours.

If you were to spend that time just reading, what do you think you could achieve? How many books could you learn from?

Let’s say the average book is 90,000 words and the average reading speed 200 words per minute.

That mean’s in 1 hour you could read 12,000 words.

This means you could read a book in about 7 and a half hours. 1 book in just over a week at an hour a day.

Over your entire life? 2,530 books. For just 1 hour a day.

But it doesn’t have to be reading. You could meditate for an hour a day. Live with harmony and balance between your mind and body, reducing anxiety, improving focus. How life changing would 18,980 hours of this be?

Or what about simply taking an hour to give someone you love your complete undivided attention. No disruption. Just an hour for you and them. That’s 18,980 hours across your entire life with sincere deliberate bonding.

What if you spent an hour a day writing? Painting? Making music? Sculpting? Making movies? What about an hour a day doing an online course, slowly but steadily up-skilling. Where do you think you could be? What do you think you could achieve?

But nobody has time anymore.

The biggest shame of the times we live in is that everyone is too busy.

Where are we to find an hour a day?

As of 2017 the average usage of social media per person was 135 minutes a day. Over 2 and a half hours. Sporadically throughout the day this time is being stolen from us in short bursts.

If only we could half that we would have our 1 hour a day to change our lives.

Better yet. What if we had all of that time back to change our lives.

