How to Install MySQL 8.0.33 Server on Windows 11

Gayan Madhusanka
6 min readJun 19, 2023



MySQL 8.0.33 is a popular open-source relational database management system used for storing and managing data. It provides a reliable and scalable solution for various applications and is widely used by developers and organizations worldwide. Here’s a simple introduction to setting up MySQL 8.0.33 Server on Windows 11:

Download MySQL Installer: Go to the official MySQL website and download the MySQL Installer for Windows. Choose the appropriate version (64-bit or 32-bit) based on your system requirements.

Run the Installer: Once the installer is downloaded, run the executable file to start the installation process. The MySQL Installer will guide you through the installation steps.

Choose Installation Type: Select the “Server Only” option during the installation process. This will install the MySQL Server without any additional components.

Configure Server: The installer will prompt you to configure the MySQL Server. Choose a password for the root user, which is the default administrative user for MySQL. Make sure to remember this password as it will be required for accessing the server later.

Select MySQL Version: In the installer, you can choose the specific version of MySQL you want to install. Select version 8.0.33 to install MySQL 8.0.33 Server.

Start the Server: Once the installation is complete, you can start the MySQL Server by clicking on the “Start MySQL Server” option. The server will start running in the background.

Verify Installation: To ensure that the server is running correctly, you can open a command prompt and type “mysql -V”. This will display the MySQL version installed, confirming that the server is up and running.

Access MySQL Server: To interact with the MySQL Server, you can use a command-line client like MySQL Shell or a graphical user interface tool like MySQL Workbench. These tools allow you to execute SQL queries, manage databases, and perform various administrative tasks.

The process of installing MySQL on Win 11

01. Go to any web browser. Then type as “mysql” on the browser.

Now press enter button. After pressing, you can see mysql official web link. Now click on it. Then you can see a window like this.

02. In here click on the “DOWNLOADS” tab. Then you can see a window like this

03. In here click on “MySQL Community (GPL) DownloadsThen you can see a window like this.

04. In here click on “MySQL Installer for Windows” and then you will find a window like this.

05. After clicking on the download button. You can see another window like this.

Here click on “No thanks, just start my download.

06. After downloading, double-click on that exe file. You see the window as follows.

Here select “Custom” and click on the next button. Then you can see a window like this.

07. Now select the product list as follows.

In here ensure to move the height lighted to the next box. Like this

08. The following window shows the moved product.

Then click on the next button and then click on the “Execute” button

09. In here, the installation process is going up.

Here you should click on the “Next” button

10. In the following window, click on the “Next” button.

11. Next, in here click on the “Next” button.

12. Next click on the “Next” button.

13. In here you should set MySQL Root Password.

Note: — make sure to remember the password that you entered here. Then click on the “Next” button.

14. In here, you don’t want to change anything. Keep this as default.

15. Same as the previous one, you don’t want to change server file permission. Keep this as default. But you can choose anything as you wish.

16. After clicking on the “Next” button, you can see a window like this. This is the window while applying the configuration.

17. After completing the application configuration, you will see the following window. Here, you click on the “Finish” button.

18. After finishing the above window, you can see the following window. Here, click on the “Next” button.

19. Now installation is completed. Click on the “Next” button.

20. Then, the workbench will visible as follows.

21. Now, I am going to copy the MySQL bin path as follows.

22. Now go to the environment variable and copy the path as follows.

23. Click on “Environment Variables” and then you will see another pop-up window like this.

24. Select “path” and click on the “Edit” button under “System Variables” Then you will see another pop-up window as follows.

25. Finally, press the WIN key on your keyboard, then type “cmd” and press the Enter key, then you will see the command line interface. Here type as “ mysql –version “ and press enter key. Then you will see the mysql version. Next, go into the mysql using this command on CLI “ mysql -u root -p ” .

mysql –version
mysql -u root -p

26. Now, you are going to create a Database name as “ studentms”. Type as follows.

show databases;
create database studentms;
show databases;
Finally, In here, you have created a new database as “studentms”.


Setting up MySQL 8.0.33 Server on Windows 11 involves downloading the MySQL Installer, selecting the “Server Only” installation type, configuring the server, and starting it. Once installed, you can use command-line clients or graphical tools to interact with the server and manage your databases. MySQL is a powerful and widely used database system, and by following these simple steps, you can begin using it to store and manage your data effectively.

