GSoC 2018: Week 2— Project Setup & Sign-In Functionality

Gayashan Bombuwala
2 min readMay 16, 2018


Hi folks,

I’m back with the 2nd episode of my GSoC project. It has been a heavy week for me and I was able to achieve the following goals, during the past week.

  • Setup the initial project skeleton
  • Implement the Sign-In functionality

So, let me go into detail… :)

Project Setup

My mentors had setup a GitHub repository for the Bassa mobile app. So, the first thing I did was forking that repository into my account. You can check it out at

Then, I started setting up a React Native Project and the following libraries and tools.

  • Redux for State management
  • React Navigation for screen navigation within the app
  • Axios for API interactions
  • ESLint for code linting with AirBnB’s style guide for JavaScript
  • Jest framework for snapshot testing
  • Flow for static type checking

I opened the very first Pull Request with the above changes, which can be viewed at


Under the Sign-In implementation, I was completed the following tasks.

  • Implemented the UI for the Sign-In screen. React Native animations helped me lot to make the Sign-In experience, much smoother.
  • Implemented the initial version of a custom drawer component.
  • Implemented User Service to handle the Sign-In process. This task was accompanied by several other modules such as User Saga, Token Saga, User Reducer and App Reducer.
  • Implemented navigation up to the Downloads screen.

I opened a Pull Request with the above changes, which can be viewed at

So, that’s pretty much it of what I did throughout the week and see you again next week with a new episode of my GSoC project.

Good Bye…

