Functional Programming languages AND Object-Oriented Programming Language

Gayathri Kavindya
3 min readApr 20, 2022

Functional program languages and object-oriented programming languages both are different from each programming languages. so we can discuss these two programming languages.

picture of a functional programing language

what is the functional programming language :

Functional programming languages are designed to handle symbolic computation and list processing applications. Actually, it is based on mathematical functions. There are several functional programming languages we used in the information communication technology industry .. such as , Lisp, Python, Clojure, Wolfram, Erlang, Haskell, F#, R.

Functional programming languages are two main concepts :

  • Pure Functional Languages − This language support only the functional paradigms. Ex:- Haskell.
  • Impure Functional Languages −This language support the functional paradigms and imperative style programming. Ex:- LISP.

Application of the functional programming language :

we use this functional programing language in so many things/places. therefore we can use this one for spreadsheets. and also this language has seen use in a wide variety of industrial applications. furthermore, we use to this educational purpose because ICT students of the universities study or learn these languages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of functional programming language :

Pros and cons of the functional programming language
Picture of a oop language

what is the object-oriented programing language :

Object-oriented programming is a style of programming characterized by the identification of classes of objects closely linked with the functions with which they are associated. Object-oriented programming language has four basic concepts. Such as Polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Inheritance.

Application of the functional programming language :

If we make an object database we can use this language because this language is based on the objects. Not only that but also we can use Real-Time System Design, Client-Server Systems, Object-Oriented Databases, Simulation, and Modeling Systems, Hypertext and Hypermedia, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of object-oriented programming :

Pros and cons of the oop

What are the differences:

Functional Programming Language :

  • The primary manipulation unit is a function.
  • This entails carrying out a variety of processes for which the data is fixed.
    Model of stateless programming.
  • This mainly focuses what is doing this programme.
  • The main focus of programming is what are we doing
  • Processes massive amounts of data quickly for applications.

Object-Oriented Programming Language :

  • A primary manipulating unit is an object.
  • This is used to do a few operations with similar behavior but various versions.
  • Model of the stateful programming model.
  • This mainly focuses how are doing this programme.
  • This isn’t ideal for processing large amounts of data.

