gayathri ragul
3 min readAug 2, 2023


Project overview

Gocarting is a user friendly mobile app for buying and selling pre-owned vehicles. it offers verified car listings with detailed picture and specifications, optimised for iOS and Android. with a modern design and personal guide support, Gocarting provide a stress free user experience.

The Problem

A working person is looking for a reliable second-hand car that fits his budget. he recently has cleared driving test from driving school and earned his driving license. As he loves traveling and has driving license now, he is in search of preowned car to make his trips comfortable and easy.

The Goal
Designing a platform that provides a convenient, reliable, and transparent way for users to buy and sell second-hand cars online, while ensuring a secure and trustworthy transaction process.

Conducting interviews,paper and digital wireframing,low and high fidelity prototyping,conducting usability studies,and iterating on design.

Empathy Map

User Persona

User persona provides information on their demographics, behaviors, goals, and pain points. The persona is likely designed to represent a typical customer that a product or service is targeting.

User Journey Map

Mapped out a user journey map for Buyer to illustrate the list of steps and actions to be taken in order to book a car.

Mapped out a user journey map for Buyer to illustrate the list of steps and actions to be taken in order to book a car.
Mapped out a user journey map for seller to illustrate the list of steps and actions to be taken in order to book a car.

Information Architecture

Low fidelity Wireframe Hand sketch

Once i organized all the concept/ideas i was working on, i begin to design the UI of the app. to start this process, i begin to sketch sevaral of the app’s main screen main screens, using my flow as a guide.

Low Fedility

These are the early designs of some of the important screens

After conducting usability studies,a few improvement was added to the lo-fi

Color Pallette


Visual design

login page
Home acreen and homeburger menu
seller profile
buyer profile

Usability study

I ran a test with five users in our target demographic using the prototype.
The design was well received by the participants, who found it simple to use.
There were a few complaints and suggestions, which helped me improve the user experience by creating a useful and pleasant product for my users.


What I learned

While working on this app, I discovered that the first concepts are merely the beginning of the process. Each iteration of the app design was informed by usability research and peer feedback.

Next step

Conducted another round of usability studies to know whether the pain points have been fully addressed.
Conducted more user research to know more areas of need.

