Gayle MartinA Simple Guide To MeditationThis content was originally posted on 1Jun 1
Gayle MartinGitHub Actions: Automate Issue Creation for CodeQL Alerts for Hack for LAI recently took on the task of automating issue creation for CodeQL alerts for Hack for LA, an open-source civic tech organization.May 6May 6
Gayle MartinDockerizing Python/Gridsome App for Electrify ChicagoI‘ve been participating in Chi Hack Night, a weekly civic tech event in the windy city dedicated to building open-source applications that…Apr 12Apr 12
Gayle MartinMy Heroku Pipeline, Part 2: MongoDB Atlas (Serverless) & QuotaGuard StaticThis is part 2 of a multipart series on how I built my Heroku pipeline. You can find part 1 here.Feb 13Feb 13
Gayle MartinMy Heroku Pipeline, Part 1: Node.js, Webpack, and CORSIn case you didn’t know, Heroku is the best. It makes building a full CI/CD pipeline for a dynamic Node.js/Webpack application far easier…Feb 61Feb 61