Guy R. Aylward
2 min readDec 5, 2015


Bill Moyers and the Dead Left

A good friend and hard-core progressive, sends me Bill Moyers’ stuff regularly in an effort to get my goat — it doesn’t. See, Moyers is one of the “Dead Left.” That means that he, and others like him, are so progressive that they would never consider even listening to the opinion of another.

That’s why I find it humorous to read his article, “The GOP and the Eve of Destruction” (co written by Michael Winship) and see how easy it is for him to pigeonhole the GOP into such nasty little places and opinions. Apparently, if one disagrees with Mr. Moyers, then one is most definitely an evil person. Republicans certainly disagree with Mr. Moyer, therefore Republicans must be evil persons.

Yes, according to Mr. Moyers, the GOP will do and say anything no matter how evil or despicable to take control of the country. We will cheat the voters out of their right to vote. We “will do so by spending unheard of sums to buy elections with the happy assistance of big business and wealthy patrons for whom the joys of gross income inequality are a comfortable fact of life.” Wait a minute Moyers. Who does that sound like? Why yes, it does sound like Hillary Clinton who lies about emails, Benghazi and a host of other things. She takes money from foreign governments who support terrorism and have terrible human rights records and, yes — she enjoys the assistance of big business and wealthy patrons who could give a rat’s ass about the little guy or the middle class as long as she takes care of them.

That’s right Mr. Moyers, you sir are a hypocrite. This article is proof of it.

