5 Common Nose Shape Concerns Rhinoplasty Can Resolve

Rhinoplasty, nose reshaping surgery, is one of the most common plastic surgeries performed. Whether to repair an injury or create an aesthetic change, rhinoplasty surgery improves overall facial balance and symmetry.

Enhancing the appearance of your nose has never been easier with the help of one of Beverly Hills’ best rhinoplasty surgeons, Dr. Gabrielle B. Davis!

Reasons for Choosing Rhinoplasty

Choosing rhinoplasty is a personal decision but one that can improve the quality of life for some patients. Rhinoplasty can repair trauma or injury to the nose that causes breathing difficulties.

A nose that does not flatter the face can detract from other attractive facial features or become the center of unwelcome attention or even bullying. Rhinoplasty can modify a variety of these aesthetic issues to help boost self-esteem and confidence.

Common Shape Issues Rhinoplasty Can Address

Wide or Flat Nose Bridge

“Augmentation rhinoplasty” implements the use of bridge implants to modify noses with flat or low bridges. This type of augmentation creates a noticeable difference that enhances the contours of the nose and alters the facial appearance.

Nose is Too Big or Long

A nose that appears too large or long for the face can create a sense of imbalance. Correcting this type of issue is complex and involves reducing the nasal tip to make a smaller, shorter nose. This rhinoplasty can produce a more proportioned and balanced feel to both the facial profile and front view.

Pointy Nose

Excess cartilage at the tip of the nose can create a pointy appearance. Rhinoplasty to reduce cartilage can effectively reshape the nose to make it smaller and round the tip for a softer appearance. This type of rhinoplasty can enhance overall facial balance.

Crooked Nose

Whether from a previous injury, hereditary factors, or facial trauma during birth, a crooked nose can create an asymmetrical appearance. While rhinoplasty can correct this type of issue, it is difficult to repair and should only be done by an experienced plastic surgeon.

Prominent Hump or Nose-Bridge Bump

Nasal humps vary in size and draw attention from the rest of the face. Patients may choose to eliminate humps altogether to make the nose straighter, or they may retain some bridge fullness to maintain individual features.

Are You a Candidate for Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills?

Choosing a highly skilled surgeon is the first step in your rhinoplasty journey. During your consultation, Dr. Davis will take the time to understand your goals and reasons for choosing rhinoplasty.

Ideal candidates include women and men who are in good mental and physical health and want to enhance the appearance of their noses. All candidates should:

  • Be non-smokers
  • Live a healthy lifestyle
  • Have completed facial growth
  • Have realistic expectations

Choosing Dr. Gabrielle B. Davis For Your Rhinoplasty Consultation!

For Dr. Gabrielle B. Davis, patient commitment is about offering quality information, time, and care during your consultation and every appointment thereafter. Along with her extensive training and unsurpassed education, Dr. Davis’s dedication to outstanding patient results and care makes her one of your best choices for rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills. Ready to partner with Beverly Hills’ leading female plastic surgeon? Contact us today to learn more!



Dr. Gabrielle B. Davis Plastic Surgery

Dr. Gabrielle B. Davis is a Beverly Hills-based plastic surgeon who performs both aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.